
Anybody else think that china had under aged gymnasts?

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for the woman's team i thought the girls looked way younger than 16




  1. There are definitely under age girls on the Chinese gymnastics team. You can tell by looking at them. Just look as 16 year old Shawn Johnson of the US team by comparison. While she is tiny, she has b*****s, UNLIKE the Chinese gymnasts!!

  2. of course... did you Fing see those girls? some of them had baby teeth missing.  china is so obsessed with beat the US that when they found out they were going to have the olympics they took a bunch of kids away from their parents and trained them 14 hours a day just to beat the US.  pretty sad really.

  3. Yeah, they look about 12/14 years old, but yet they still get away with things

    and what disgusts me the most is when jamaica won some events, they were tested and tested for drugs, when some of the toher countries wernt tested at all

    but yeah the Chinese gymnasts look very young  

  4. They had the passports to prove that they were at least fifteen. They won, deal with it. On another note, for the people calling the Chinese gymnasts small: The average height of the Chinese girls team is 144.33 cm, average weight 35.00 kg. Let’s look at the Japanese team. An average height of 146.67 cm, average weight 37.33 kg.  

  5. I absolutely agree with you. They cant be any taller than 4'6" (in my opinion, just by looking at them) and they havn't developed at all. I know all gymnasts have quite slim, flat bodies, but these girls have no b*****s what so ever.

    I have no idea how they can possibly get away with this. While watching them compete in the olympics one night, the TV announcer was saying that their coaches say that all of the girls' passports state they are 16 years or older, though in my opinion, they are probably counterfit, for these girls look closer to 6 than 16.

    **Also, I heard they're using girls so young because their bodies are more flexible, which may be true, since the other teams' contestants are younger, but are still the legal age. Their LEGAL 16-year-olds look just as flexible to me as the 10 year olds do, but of course I'm in no way a professional gymnast.

    This isnt about being mad about losing a medal. These girls are extremely talented, but to me it just doesn't seem right, and I'm Canadian!

    And to Cheschire... a few answers down:

    Those are some pretty tiny averages, try looking at the average size of another teams' gymnists or those of the average Chinese 16 year old overall. I don't know the statistics, though I'm sure these gymnasts are too young.

  6. They are certainly under 16. I read a report that said they competed in Worlds last year and the commentators even noted on the broadcast that based on their Worlds entries the girls wouldn't be old enough for the 2008 Olympics. Then suddenly they are in the Olympics listed 2 years older then they were on one year ago.  

  7. i agree they are under aged and no one is stopping them  

  8. i do.

    i DO NOT no a 16 year old that short.

  9. tennismaster166

    it isn't the fact that we lost a metal it is the fact that they didn't follow the rules, if you can't use steroids then why are you not dq'd for using underage players.

    they have done it in the past so they will do it again.

    yes it is true they the chinese usually look younger, but they were not in the health range of which a 16 yr. old should be.

    even if we would be awarded the medal I wouldn't take it because it wouldn't be the would be tainted.

  10. Yes, I think they should be striped of their team medal

  11. Yeah i believe they are wayyyyyyy younger than what they claim to be.

  12. CHYAHH!

    They faked their age!!

    That 16 year old looks like an 8 year old and that 20 year old looks like a 13 yeard old (female)

    Check this out,

  13. It's a sport that favors young and tiny athletes, the rules should be changed to reflect reality.

  14. i think many gymnasts start too young anyway,it cant be good for their bodies.

  15. I do and it's messed up they are gonna get away with it.

  16. Anyone else sick of these underage questions?

    Once again, it is unfair to judge them by their looks. Obviously an average/typical/stereotypical Asian people look shorter and less-busty than Americans. Please, we all knew this from the second China and the West met back in ancient times.

    Are any of you going to care how old they are when the olympics are over or do you just need something else to nitpick about on China?

    Why don't we flip out about the new Speedo swimsuits as we do about the underage gymnasts?

  17. There is no doubt that the Chinese gymnasts are under age. It sucks that the IOC doesn't have the guts to investigate them. Why would the Chinese cheat? Isn't it obvious? The Olympics are in CHINA!! They want to win AT ALL COSTS!!

  18. I would not put it past the Chinese to put gymnast in boxes like veal to stunt there growth.  The chinese will stop at nothing to win.    

  19. Why can't you Americans just take the fact that you lost one metal? You guys dope in Track and Field and we don't complain.

  20. Are you really trying to cause problems? This question has been asked 100 times, just stfu and take the fact that you guys lost like one medal? All asians look young, like the 20 year old look like she is 15, but why would the chinese put that she is 20, when the minimum age for gymnasts is 16? chinese people aren't retarded. Stop being so obsessed about this topic.  

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