
Anybody esle feel like the luckiest mama in the world?

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Everyday I am amazed at how lucky I am to have such a wonderful little man to share my life with. I don't think I have know a joy greater than just sitting back and watching my son play and experience new things. Aren't mommies the luckiest people on earth?




  1. yes i do. we are blessed with little girl for a year and she made our life amazing...we didn't think/talk/saw anything else than her in  last one year...we are feeling so happy when everyone even strangers around us say that she looks 'very happy baby'..we feel she is also making others' life happier and not only ours...God bless all the kids to have happy healthy life and all the parents to have enough energy to raise the kids with full enthusism whatever the situation is.

  2. Absolutely.  Even when they wake up at 4:30am to play and chatter :)  I can't imagine life without my Eli.

  3. I do. I recently gave birth to my second child. I have a 21 month old son, Logan and a 3 week old named Piper. Nothing makes me happier than seeing them grow and learn every day. It also makes me the happiest and luckiest mama in the world to see my son behave so well with the baby. He comes home from daycare and runs to her with hugs and kisses. Nothing is better than that sight. :-) i do feel like the luckiest mama. I think we all are lucky to have our kids and I pray everyday for the people that have a hard time having children.

  4. Feel like it?  I know we are!  At least I am.  I feel as though God couldn't have blessed my husband and me more than to give us our children.  I'm watching my son play with his match box cars and seeing the wonder in his eyes and his fascination with cars is great.  My daughter is sleeping in the other room and sometimes I watch her as she sleeps.  She's the most angelic baby I've ever seen.

  5. It is the best.  Better than I could have ever imagined.  When he flashes his stubby tooth little grin at me, I can't imagine my life without him.  He has only been on this planet for less than 10 months and I can't remember life before he got here.

  6. I feel the same way!  

    It's crazy because I always thought I didn't want kids.  But now that I have Johnny, I can't even remember what life was like before him.

    I am one lucky momma! :)

  7. Everyday!   **smiles**

  8. Absolutely.. Seeing my baby boy wake up, stretch, look at me & smile is the best part of my day! I never knew i could love someone so much!

    Hubby & i are some lucky parents. Last week we were talking about how cute he is when he sleeps &, i swear, he started laughing out loud, in his sleep! Needless to say hubby & i LOLed right with him =]

    God Bless

  9. Yes!

    My 8 month old has started kissing and hugging over the past month. This morning when I was getting him dressed he grabbed my arm and started kissing it and trying to pull me down so he could kiss my face. I just felt this overwhelming lucky can you get?? He's such an angel and it just makes me so happy to be his mom.

    I would have a 1/2 dozen more if I could be sure that they would be just like my first...and if I wasn't so darn old (29 also).

    I'm guessing all the thumbs down is from someone who doesn't like her kids ;-)

  10. Oh, very much so!

    I love seeing my daughter smile, laugh and just enjoy life, everything is new to her, it's pretty amazing.

    Even now, the hardest stage so far (17 months old) I wouldn't give it up for the world.  

  11. Even when my son wakes up every two hours in the middle of the night and I pick him up after he is crying, he looks up at me so sad, it make my heart melt.  

    And yes, my 4 1/2 month old is waking up every 2 hours in the night.  AHHHH.

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