
Anybody ever Hear of Star or Crystal Children , What Thoughts?

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Anybody ever Hear of Star or Crystal Children , What Thoughts?





    try this site, it pretty much sums it up

  2. I have heard of them, but am not familiar with the concept.

    I do, however; believe that humans are on the brink of a spiritual evolution. I am not speaking of organized Religion. I believe that all the wars, genocide, violence, and hatred, are because people can, subconsciously, FEEL that something is changing, but they don't know what. People fight change because it scares them. It is the unknown. And because they fear the unknown, they lash out: Person to person, religion to religion, country to country.

    Children are more attuned to the world around them because they have not yet developed their parent's and society's at large, prejudices. The don't have the knowledge of screening their minds to avoid the truth.

    I believe a shift is coming. We may fight against it, but sooner or later it WILL happen.

  3. Parents just can't love their kids for who their kids are, so they design these whacko names to up the value of the child in their eyes.  Crystal children are lucky - they have gullible parents that will probably do whatever they say under the idea that crystal kids are wiser than most other people.

  4. regarding star crystal children, a new "strain" of human?  Why not?

    Creationist or not, scientists agree mankind has adapted and evolved since our beginnings on this Earth, Over multiple generations, our bodies and our minds have adapted and mutated to accomodate the stimuli of our environment. They say our brains are actually bigger [not necessarily better] than centuries ago and partially because of more use.

    So if we can evolve our body and mind , why not some other part of ourselves like our psyche or  collective conscious?

    i dont see why not?

  5. The children coming in now are much wiser than their years.

    There IS something to this idea of indigo and crystal children.

  6. Star or Crystal children are mentally handicapped children that have special needs...

  7. Hi Meow,

    "Star Children" or "Crystal Children" are nonsense New Age concepts that are riding on the coattails of the "Indigo Children", first popularized by self-proclaimed psychic Nancy Ann Tappe. This idea of psychically gifted kids was seized upon by mystical thinking parents who were at a loss to understand how their bad parenting skills led to poorly behaved children, so instead they attributed the poor behavior to a side-effect of being psychic and requiring special attention. I suppose they would rather label their children as psychic rather than having ADD, ADHD or simply being spoiled brats.

    The Star and Crystal variants are just the latest phase of the same idea, supposedly indicating some kind of evolution of psychic ability in new generations. Needless to say, none of these Indigo, Star or Crystal children or anybody else for that better has ever been able to demonstrate any psychic ability under controlled conditions.

  8. Star, crystal and rainbow children are every bit as real as indigo children.  That is to say, they aren't.

  9. I saw a psychic recently - she told me my two kids are Crystal Children.  Personally, I think it's a load of rubbish.

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