
Anybody ever accomplish remote viewing and or telekinesis if so how?

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Anybody ever accomplish remote viewing and or telekinesis if so how?




  1. Telekinesis (TK) is now called Psychokinesis (PK) in the scientific research literature and it has been demonstrated at statistically significant level in hundreds of repeated experiments since the 1930's.

    Before you believe that you can start fires or levitate your friends I suggest that you read the actual scientific research. The research suggest effects on objects still in motion like thrown dice and and random number generators. The effects are usually so small that it requires statistics to find the effect.

    Macro (observable in the real world) psychokinesis may have been demonstrated by Nina Kulagina (link below) in the Soviet Union years ago.

    Despite dismissal by skeptics no one has ever been able to reproduce her demonstrations under the same conditions. She was observed by scientist in a well controlled lab and certainly searched for items that she might have tried to conceal.

    This is VERY rare.

    Remote Viewing has been demonstrated and in her government sponsored evaluation of the StarGate program Jessica Utts states:

    "Using the standards applied to any other area of science, it is concluded that psychic functioning has been well established. The statistical results of the studies examined are far beyond what is expected by chance. Arguments that these results could be due to methodological flaws in the experiments are soundly refuted. Effects of similar magnitude to those found in government-sponsored research at SRI and SAIC have been replicated at a number of laboratories across the world. Such consistency cannot be readily explained by claims of flaws or fraud."

    (link below)

    How you accomplish these is by following protocols (procedures) that have been established by scientist conducting actual research and realizing that results will have to be analyzed by statistics.

    The links below should help you get started.


  2. Yes, I have. But it is really not available for public viewing, laddie.

    What I am most concerned with is your talent for a Scottish accent. HMMMMM did I get that one right?

  3. There is a guy called Urie Galler ( that isn't the right spelling). I was watching him on telly it looked like  a lot of concertrating, he was bending spoons and forks,

  4. Don't blast me for this now, But YES. Here's the problem with accepted science, It'll only accept things based on things that came before, A long time ago newton led us down a path towards looking for particles at the smallest blocks building...everything. This is however, proven, WRONG. That being said, we can cascade that with scientifcally accepted (It's a popularity contest) with genreal relativity, And we got a lot of people who are wrong. Then we are left with 2 questions. 1. where did "We" even hear about it in the first place. and 2. Would it even be a conceivable concept in any court or "Surviving knowledge" had it been proven false, This pratice"Remote viewing" has been described in eastern writings for over a thousand if not more, years, As a actual science. remember cascades , relativity and skeptisim and try to read on. :-)

    I'd say, YES it has been demostrated and proveable, And NO you wont be able to do it, till you understand exactly how it works, could work using your mind, then believe it possible. As of yet, nobody can simply "will" such powers at being, because of such factors. Keep reading, It's been my experience the more you know about every factor and process them objective and logically the better results.

    remember old uncle shro's cat?

  5. Lots of people have !  Our government, the Russians. There's a book out about a man that use to work for our government doing remote viewing, I forget the name but I'm sure you'll be able to find it. Being a psychic/medium I also do it sometimes during my readings.

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