
Anybody ever been through an earthquake and was you scared?

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just went through one in rhodes and it lasted for 45 seconds, hit 6.5 on the richter scale. It was so amazing!




  1. Only a small one, it was in the middle of the night and i was woken by a strong shaking, at first i thought i was my dad falling out of bed (lol) then i thought it might be the heating pipes rattling and shaking the floorboards. only after a minute or two did it ocour to me that it was an earth quake. And no i wasnt scared it was quite exciting :)

  2. I don't know what the scale was but I was sleeping and it woke me up I thought for a moment I was getting possessed or something  because the bed was shaking , then plates started falling and I realized what was going on...very scary!!!

    ha,, possessed!!!! that kills me even now!!!!

    glad you were not hurt or anything ...all the best!

  3. I sat through a 5.3 richter one a few months ago... it lasted for about 10-15 seconds at past midnight.

    I was sitting on the fourth floor of a university campus building, and could literally feel and see the building's four corners swaying from side to side..... name plates that were hanging started swinging frantically.

    I wasn't scared..... but it was rather an interesting sensation! My first!

  4. Yeah, I grew up in california so there were lots of earthquakes.  I wasn't ever really scared, u just get used to them.

  5. I like them just like how i like thunder, powerful

  6. lol loads of earthquakes happen every day so yeah we have all been through them we just dont know about it.

    in england we have had 2 big ones in the last 10 years and i have slept straight through them both lol

  7. Souls of victims must jump out the skins for quakes like Oakland with thousands cars were trapped in the collapsed highway or Kobe, especially recent Suchuan with several dozens after shocks 5.5-6.5 and 2 more yesterday.

  8. ya there funn!!!!!!

  9. Here in leeds UK there was one in the middle of the night!

    It was apparently one you could feel aswell and was making things shake!

    ..But I slept through it



  10. Yes I were

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