
Anybody ever been to Paris?

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I'm thinking about traveling to Paris in December to see my boyfriend who's in the military. I need suggestions on the best places to stay and place to see. Also wondering how much a trip like this is going to cost me.. Anything would help... thank you!!




  1. I agree with the suggestion to get a guidebook, but it could have been stated a little more nicely.  If you can't afford to buy one, or don't want to buy one, libraries often have guidebooks that are fairly recent.  

    If you really want to economize on your trip, I'd suggest renting an apartment or staying in an apartment hotel like Appart Valley or Citadines.  The room rate per night is a little more, but you can save at least as much by preparing your own dinner.  Splurge on nice lunches, and eat dinner in.   That's what I always do!  

    My favorite places to eat are Les Canons des Gobelins (try the Panini Rome), Les Philosophes (yummy lamb), Le Tresor (steak frites), and anyplace along rue Mouffetard.  There are also some nice cafes along boulevard St. Germain where you can enjoy a wonderful cup of hot chocolate while you thaw out -- Paris in December is likely to be fairly chilly.  

    Many Parisian bakeries have sandwiches and quiche as well as baked goods, so they are good, economical choices for lunch, too.  You can also walk through the markets, especially on rue Mouffetard and my favorite rue Montorgueil.  There will be things that can be eaten as you walk, and you get a genuine Parisian shopping experience, too.  

    If you can, I would definitely suggest going.  Paris is my favorite city, so I would go at any time.

    My favorite sites:  the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomph, and l'Hotel de Ville, all lit up at night.  I love musees d'Orsay and Rodin.  Make sure to walk through Palais Royal across from the Louvre; there are often odd metal sculptures in there.  Also walk through Jardin des Plantes and around a few neighborhoods.

  2. A round trip would cost $1000 or more. Definitely visit the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre!

  3. I've been visiting Paris on a regular basis for the last 35 years. I was there just a little over a week ago. I'm going to assume that you're not some wealthy heiress but need to keep costs down.

    Air fare is a big issue and you should start looking at prices on websites like Prices in December should be low however except immediately before and after Christmas ands New Years. Explore alternative dates for your trip to get the best airfare.

    There are a lot of very charming, very European, hotels that are not at all expensive right in the center of Paris. You won't have big American chain hotel type ammenities (mini-bars, cable TV, room service) but plenty of local color. Try the Hotel de Nesle ( ) with doubles that range from 75-100 euros ( about $110-150) a night.

    Food costs can be very reasonable, especially considering the usually high quality of French food. The French usually just have a cup of coffee and some bread or a roll for breakfast and cafes everywhere serve this for the equivalent of $6-8. There are plenty of inexpensive restaurants on streets like the rue Mouffetard where you can find lunch (3 courses) for as little as $12. Eat one of those lunches and a sandwich in a cafe or from a street stand may well be enough for dinner and cost you around $7.

  4. I've been there twice and I hate Paris. It's stinks....people smoking everywhere...and the people are rude.

  5. I personally did not like Paris.

    I would recommend going to Germany instead. The people are

    friendly and usually don't get upset if you can't speak the language. The French rarely helped and were offended that

    I couldn't speak their language.

    I know it is their country, and I tried to translate, but they were

    just too busy to bother with the ignorant American.

    The french are on the Euro and it was about .74 cents US to

    the Euro. So things are not in your favor cash wise.

    Driving across France gets expensive as there are LOTS

    of toll booths. So many in fact I was disgusted with the

    whole French experience and cut my vacation short and


    My advice to you is go to Germany and do the beer fest thing.

    You don't have to drink at all and it's fun!

    Get an emergency exit row seat for the trip.

  6. been there last year January.

    Very Cold. food delicious. people NOT friendly, unless u speak french.

    could be very enjoyable. dress warmly

    Euro is terrible - costs high

    example cost to fly

    NY - Paris

    16 dec - 28 dec

    approx $640 all included  -non-stop

  7. is very preetyyy but i cant help you with the questions...sorry i went thee long ago ..... best of luck :)

  8. Yes, I've been to Paris twice and it was quite cheap.  That is, Paris, Arkansas which is a real town and real small except for the winery.  That's why anyone outside of a 20 mile radius travels there.

  9. Hi.  I took my wife to Paris in May for our 30th wedding anniversary and we had a great time and my wife loved it and wants to go back.  It was her first time and my second trip and I am in love with Paris, for sure.

    Trust what Rillifane says.  He has the real goods on Paris.  I can only tell you about our experience and I detailed everything in Yahoo Trip Planner, complete with pictures, routes, costs....the works.  If you are interested, here is the URL:  There is a journal and also a schedule view--be sure to see both tabs.

    But we went in May/June, not December, so the weather will be much different.  I also spent liberally and we really enjoyed ourselves with side trips, ate at great restaurants and saw many tourist sights, including a romantic dinner cruise on the Seine--remember it was a big anniversary!  Our hotel was also excellent, but €195 per night.  But you can go and enjoy yourself for much less and still have a great time, especially if you're with your boyfriend.  To keep expenses down, live like a Parisean instead of a tourist and many of the sights are free or reasonable anyway.  Go for romantic walks along the Seine and in the Jardins (gardens or parks--there are many of them on the maps) although in December they won't be a beautiful as in Spring.

    You didn't say how long you are planning to stay, but make of list of the places that look interesting to you and see what you can.  If you're like others, you'll go back as often as you can and see more each time.  You better plan on spending at least €50 a day plus hotel, and if you can do it for less that's great.  We averaged spending €300 a day plus hotel, just so you can compare.

    Best of luck (bonne chance) and bon voyage!  Hope this and my site helps you out some.

  10. in a way i am in Paris right now.

    cut a P into a DI. l

    then in Paris is

    DI. lari s

    the DI. is on the RIST.

    and in that way Paris glorifies LORD GOD also described as DIEU(ie DI=IIII I, E=[iL(pronounced seal), U as in you, DIEU)

    cause lari S has a DI [iL on Himself.

    guess the french hate Me cause as part German i have put a form of My name on Paris like i own it.  but i guess when Romans of the bible said all things to glorify Lord God, they took it seriously.

    but being that person i am slightly jealous that i watched the Shaka Zulu movie with David Hassalhoff, and Shaka gets more bows then the DIEU of french fame, and the God glorified by Paris.

  11. Will cost you a fortune! The Parisiennes think they own the world and can charge you for it. Learn French pronto, they despise anyone who doesn't. Log onto thousands of websites about France, that will give you all the info about places to visit. Can you not wait till your b/f is stationed elsewhere? My guess is you are an American, do what I did (British) and remind them who liberated them after WW2, goes down a storm lol.

  12. Yes, I lived there for 2 years.

    If you want to know what to do and what to see... then BUY A TOURIST GUIDE... the Fodor's Paris is a good one.

    What IS it with you people and your total lack of knowledge about TOURIST GUIDE BOOKS?  I keep seeing these stupid "where do I go and what do I see" questions when BUYING THE GUIDE BOOK will answer ALL OF THEIR QUESTIONS.


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