
Anybody ever have a paranormal experience, especially a visual one, please share?

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I am a closet beliver, meaning I would never discuss these things in real life, but I just had my second spirit guide experience, can anybody else relate to this type of xperience




  1. I one time casted demons back into h**l through an exorcism if you believe in that stuff. I was in the room with a buddy who can see them and I was told that only I could do it. So I did it.

  2. yeah we have gooood TRUE stories around where i live..

    the wishing well

    teh windmill.. this young girl sang a song before she hug herself and now every night if you go the windmill you DO SEE HER on top with a rope around her neck singing the song(which is short) and after she is done she disappears. this means she hung herself again

    The rock!

    Petenwell rock if you look it up has a great Native American ghost story behind it and at sunset i have seen her on top of the rock!


    One Man's grave

    Ledgend has it that if you drive up to his grave and stop he knows youre there and sometimes comes out.  When you look over his grave he will chase you away or scare you to the point were you are wanting to cry! He will only stop until you are a mile away!

  3. ow u should be live ghosts do exist  about 6 years ago my grandma died of a blood clot in her heart she was only 67 anyway one she came to our house and there was some wooden scare crows on top of the fridge and she never liked them and after she died they kept  falling over by them selves so we threw them away. a week later i was watching the telly down stares it was just me in the house and i heard a thud up stares a so i went up and the toilet lid kept closing and opening by its self creepy

  4. Go to Discover Resolved Questions on the paranormal question page and you'll find lots of experiences there. What experiences have you had that make you think you 've had one with your spirit guide? Will you "Add Details" and tell us?Did he/she have a name? Did you see him/her? Please tell us what happened.Thanks.

  5. I have never had an experience of any kind that has required a paranormal explanation.

  6. yes. i explain this story to many, many people but i can repeat it 2 u.

    i was sitting (or laying, i dont remember) on my bed when i started hearing a bunch or scratching noises and banging in the room next to me. now i am not afraid of the paranormal so i really wanted 2 check it out. i got up and just as i was about to leave i saw this tall black figure walk past my bedroom door. i was frightened at that moment i mean wouldn't u b? anyway, it was about 6'5'' and it was very black (u couldn't c through it). also my family is very short. my dad is the tallest and he is only 5'10'' so it was very freaky. that experience did scar me for life but i am not afraid of it i just want to find out more about it. i want to b a ghost hunter one day and i want to find out a lot more. i hope my story somehow "helped" you!!! :)

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