
Anybody ever have back and side problems from driving in golf? like hitting at the range way too hard?

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im a right handed golfer and recently hit a couple of hundred balls absolutely full pelt at the driving range,this happened 2-3 weeks ago and my back was sooooo sore,i went and played a round next day and still it hurt,then another week after,same again but only worse! now a week after and a visit to the doc,it's still there but not as bad and the pain has moved round under my left shouder blade andmoving round to my ribs,does anyone know what this is? doc says a stretched muscle but i've had them before but never ever this bad and the painkillers only work to a certain degree,any help would be greatly appreciated,thank you




  1. Aside from hitting 200 balls with full force, what did you learn? The idea of hitting at a driving range is to develop and improve shot making, not to see how many you can knock over the shortened 350 yard marker. You deserve a bad back for participating in such foolishness.

  2. My brother had to have a disc or something removed from his back because a nerve was being pinched. This was a few years ago now and happy to say he has just passed his PGA exams and now is a pro golfer. So, it could possibly be a trapped nerve in your back. I would ask for a more thorough examination if the pain persists.

  3. It takes a while for a strained muscle to heal. Give it a couple of weeks before you head back out and irritate it some more. If you can take anti-inflamatories (ibuprofen or naproxen) that would be the best thing for it. Them combined with resting your muscles should get you back to the driving range in a couple weeks.

    Remeber when you go back out there that driving the ball far does not mean that you have to muscle it. Good body machanics will help you put the ball out there a lot further. When I find that my drive is suffering. I try to pretend that I am going in slow motion. Usually I am amazed at the distance and accuracy added to my drive. God luck.

  4. Maybe you need to make a change in your swing so you can hit the ball full pelt and not suffer with pain. You might also need to get certain streches specifically for you to do before and after a practice session or game.

    Have a good one...

  5. Do you stretch before you practice? This could be your problem. Do plenty of side and back stretches and warm-ups beforehand and you could find the answer to your problem.

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