
Anybody ever try the remote viewing classes patterned after the CIA program of about 20 years ago?

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Anybody ever try the remote viewing classes patterned after the CIA program of about 20 years ago?




  1. No...but I think I might have done some remote viewing. I don't know if that's what it was .For example..something came over me to draw a picture. When I went to church the next day...someone from church had drawn the same picture and put it on the altar. That might not be remoter viewing. I don't know what it's called. I used to do things like that a lot...but should have kept my mouth shut about it. There was a lot of spiritual jealousy in that church. I think they thought I was being a "copy cat".

  2. I don't know if you're asking this of students who have taken courses that are patterned after the government remote viewing program, or people who teach it that way.  As it stands, I'm the only one who actually does it that way (I was in the military program for 7 years, and was taught the methodology directly by Ingo Swann and Hal Puthoff, the ones who developed it).  Others who teach remote viewing have all changed the methodology in one way or another (I'm not saying that's either bad or good -- just that they've changed it).  I'll include the URL to my bio so you can read my credentials for yourself, and a link to the military training manual (which in turn includes a link to an endorsement letter from Ingo Swann himself).

    I don't mean this to be advertising -- I'm not trying to recruit you for my courses (which are 5 days long and fairly expensive).  But if you talk about classes patterned after the military program, you're talking about me.

    BTW, in response to the person who commented that most people regret taking RV courses later, I'll be happy to have you talk to any of the scores of students I've trained since starting my civilian training company back in 1997. They will contradict that allegation.



  3. I've tried remote viewing, but never learned it from the CIA program. It's kind of a natural ability for me, to be able to focus on a person and see where they're at. The more in tune with thier energy the better I can see.

  4. People who get involved in scams like remote viewing classes.Usually feel foolish after being ripped off.You're unlikely to find any truthful success stories.

  5. Yes I have.  Our psychic group has worked on that and some websites have tests based on that type of thing.  One of the things I'm good at is seeing places, better then people most of the time.

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