
Anybody feel like they werent born into the right family??(Horse related)?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so I was going to get a horse but not now my parents say its to expensive and they both have really good jobs and make alot of money so it isnt to expensive for us. An dI have been riding for 7 years. My family were horse people...WERE.I am resposibly I know alot of things but I feel I wasn't born into the right family...Does anybody else feel this way ????I know there was a similar question but I WANTED TO TELL EVERYBODY MY STORY.


sorry for the caps.




  1. well even if your a rider and your parents have good jobs they have to pay for a lot of other stuff too so it just might not be in the budget or maybe there waitin for your bday or somethin

  2. My story is the same to yours.... my mom said she would give me a horse two years ago.... i dont have one.... my mom said she would give me one last year.... i dont have one.... my mom said she would buy me one in the summer this year..... never happened... she said it was too expensive  

  3. no....I have been taking lessons for a couple years and my parents and I never knew anything about horses until I started but when we move to horse property and I am ready I am going to get a horse. Really some horse lovers don't even get lessons but honestly when your older and you want a horse you could do whatever you want it isn't your family stopping you from getting a horse their just putting it on hold

  4. Yeah, I sometimes feel that way, I am the only one in my family who loves horses, and I don't have any friends who like horses. I have been riding for over 6 years, all horsesless, and I know how you feel, its total agony.

    Talk to them, tell them how you feel. (Depending how old you are) tell them that you will get a part time job to pay off most of all of your horse and his expenses (this is what I did and now my parents said that I might be able to get a horse). Explain to them that a horse in your family is easily affordable, expesially if you help out. Say that a horse will keep you out of trouble, and will teach you responsibility and commitment. If they don't go for that idea, suggest a lease, even for just 6 months or so to show them that you are 100% commited and you can handle everything.

    It really sucks, and is kinda unfair, when you think of all the little girls who said they liked horses once when they were 8 and their parents bought them a pony.

    Hope this helps, Good luck

  5. Awww that really sad.

    I hate it when parents get your hopes up then say no.

    I don't know about the horse thing cause I was born and raised around them but That sucks.

    Sorry to hear you feel this way maybe things will get better for you.

  6. When it comes to horses in my family i am all by myself i take care of all three of them and ride them almost everyday... no one else has any interest in them....i go to trail rides by myself and stay in my neighbors campsite.. it kinda sucks... but having to do so much with them by myself i have learned alot about them ..

  7. LOLOL I wasn't born into the wrong family.....I was born in the wrong century......... I have always felt that I should have been born in a time where killing someone with a sword wasn't illegal. I have always felt that i have a warrior spirit and Its just kinda gone to waste. Im sorry for your predicament but keep working on them Im sure you will "turn them to the dark side" LOL Good luck!

  8. It took me ten years of riding to convince my parents to buy me my first horse.  my family doesnt get how it feels to ride and love a horse but it took them time but they finally realized that i wasnt going to give up on riding and me and my horse had an amazing bond.  now my mom is starting to ride and they are starting to talk about getting more horses

  9. I have the same exact story as yours. My mom was getting me all excited about getting a horse and she wanted to go look/ride one of the ones i found that is for sale and then all of a sudden she said no I am not responsible enough and apparently i dont do the chores i am supposed to do(which i do) so I am hoping that they are just waiting for my b day or something cause it is in a month

  10. Perhaps you should be willing to sacrifice something else that you like doing that your parents  have to pay for to show your parents that you're very serious about wanting a horse, and it may help pay the bills for it. Perhaps you could help by saving some of your money too. Get a job. Horses are very expensive regardless of how much money your parents make. It can cost up to $300 each month to look after a horse.

    If you show your parents that you are willing to help with some of the costs, that you are ready to sacrifice other loves for it and are responsible for your own horse, then perhaps they will be more lenient.  

  11. Hi i no exactly what u mean!

    my mum dad and brother are all into motorbikes! my mum used to ride when she was young now there just sick of me buying horses because we always loose money on them and it cost alot

    it is pritty expensive

    but trust me i feel the same!

  12. aww.

    yeah my dad has parkinsons, so things arent going so well.

    so i went on the internet and found a horse for FREE lease. (im working off the lease though)

    i hope things work out like they kinda worked out with me!

  13. I know exactly how you feel!! I was born into the most non-horsey family in the world!! My dad thinks they are dangerous, and my mum just plain thinks that they are too expensive to care for. And my sister thinks they smell!!  I wished I was born into a horsey family so I could have had the opportunity to go to pony club and comptete etc, I didn't want a million dollar horse, just a quiet one to have fun on, my parents finally brought me one when I was 14, a total disaster, they brought me a 3yo for my first horse, I was lacking in confidence a little, and had no idea how to train a horse so therefore it was a bad experience all round i only had him for 6months before i sold him caus i couldn't just hop on him and go have fun, he was too green. the first time i went to pony club i was 18, i felt so out of place!! I only got that chance cause i went and worked with racehorses and met some showy people.  now at the ripe old age of 21 im still yet to enter the show ring for the 1st time!! I totally understand how frustrating it is and how you feel, but you will get there, just keep pursuing and following your dream, my advice, get a job and buy your own horse, then you parents have not much say, thats what I did!!

  14. That's too bad, honey. But think about all the costs that your parents could be worrying out, take it into their perspective. You need to buy a nice, safe horse, first of all. That there is a lot. Then there's boarding (if you don't have your own place). If you aren't boarding, think about hay prices (especially right now), etc. Then there are farrier and vet costs into the picture as well! Tack isn't cheap, neither are all those horse supplies you need. It can really add up.

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