
Anybody found any trace of social justice within conservative ideology?

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NO.................... Thought not!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Equal opportunity is the purest form of social justice.

    We deserve the opportunity to succeed, not mindless entitlements to simulate equality.

  2. Yes of course. But conservative ideology thinks the path to social justice is through limited government and individual action - kind of a grass roots thing as opposed to the top-down bureaucratic liberal social justice modern democrats are associated with

  3. Of course there is!

    Conservative ideology is all about letting society do as it will... and having equal access to be able to impact the rest of society.

    If someone feels persecuted, they can appeal to society at large, and if they get enough support they can get their representation.  If not, they lose out.  In the conservative ideology, that one person is an anomaly and deserves nothing more or less than everyone else..  In a socialist ideology, they are a specific class of person that demands and deserves special access to what the rest of the 99.99% of the masses gets/has.

    It depends entirely upon your definition of "social justice," though, and it appears that you have already made up your own mind.

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