
Anybody gettin upset with our National bank ...the federal reserve...?

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Anybody gettin upset with our National bank ...the federal reserve...?




  1. Deflation would be much harder on the economy and all of us than inflation.  Imagine if you bought a house today for $300,000 to find out that it is now worth $250,000?  Inflation is easier to manage as well.

    Society as a whole is the problem with our economy.  We buy houses we can't afford, drive cars that we can't afford, dress ourselves and our children in clothes we can't afford, go on vacations we can't afford...  People live beyond their means, the Fed Reserve can't control the fact that people were stupid on speculating on homes they couldn't afford, that people are slaves to Visa and Discover.

  2. Yes.  It should not be given more power.  It should be done away with.

  3. Yes, they need to stop printing money!!!

    That's why everything cost's so much it's not because things are more expensive it's because the dollar is so cheap!

    All I want them to do is STOP inflation, some deflation would be nice (but with trillions in debt it's in the government's interest to inflate the dollar like a party balloon)

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