
Anybody good with gameboards or biology>!!!?

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My daughter has biology and she has a project due she has to do a game board using plant and animal cells?I have no idea how to help her and and suggestions? help please




  1. Get a posterboard and draw out a game board (kind of obvious maybe but just trying to help).  Then make little cards (kind of like monopoly or life) and try putting characteristics of plant and animal cells.  I am not sure what grade she is in so I don't know how detailed or hard it is.  For example, you could put "this type of cell has chloroplasts" which would be a plant cell.  The object of the game could be something like the further you move along the more evolved you become (from like a single-celled organism to a highly evolved plant or animal).  

    You can always have little fallbacks like "a comet killed your entire species, go back to start".  I wish I had kids so I could make a game.  :(  Have fun and I hoped this helped.

    Also, don't forget to have fun little cards to like "your main predator was killed off and you are now able to prosper.  Move ahead 5 spaces".  I want to go and make my own game now!  How exciting!!

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