
Anybody got a limited trading company that they don't use that I can have?

by  |  earlier

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I need a trading company but i'm short of cash?




  1. i don't think anyone is just going to help you. there aren't alot of good Samaritans out there

  2. It does not cost much to set one up, or take over a disused "shell" company". Ask your local Business Development Agency. You need two directors willing to be on the board.

    Or you could just trade as an individual "sole partner", without having a company to trade under. You only have to register that, very simply. There are tax advantages either way. Having a company is a lot more onerous in terms of reporting. There are also enterprise grants either way. Again - ask advice from the local BDA. They will set up a free session for you, with someone to give advice.

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