
Anybody got experience of the Child Citizenship Act 2000 - expeditious naturalization through a grandparent?

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I'm suddenly worried that I will jeopardize my child's claim to US citizenship if we travel there with her on a UK passport!!




  1. Than clarify this 1st from the British Home Dept. giving them the truth of your story.  With unclear questions as hier, t is difficult to access the reality?.  Normally if the Child is born in a Nation has automatically the Right of that,Nation, including if born at Air or at High Sea?.  The flag of the Carrier and the place of birth counts.  As per International understandings laid under UN Os bible.

  2. here is the website with all the info and the pdf for actual application:

  3. Traveling on her UK passport will not jeopardize her claim to citizenship through the C.C.A of 2000. In fact, this Act explicitly states that to claim citizenship through this, the child must travel to US soil and pledge allegiance to the US, before becoming a citizen. This means that the child will be forced to travel on a foreign passport. The Act does not state anywhere that the claim to US citizenship through this act can be stripped, under any circumstance.

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