
Anybody got good ideas i can do for my mandatory community service hours?

by  |  earlier

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i need 10 by next week, i live in a city of around 130,000 people, so you could get a feeling of how much there is in the city

Dont just say the name of a place, try to give an example of what i would be doing there

Any other information would be greatly appreciated




  1. its a tricky question, i gather its a misdemeanor? with 10 hours? i say that because people and rules vary. habitat for humanity is great, they need every thing from people with a trade to cleaners.some areas have programs to help older people in their homes. cutting grass, washing windows stuff they cant do very well. i started volunteering with a historical society that moved and is doing a 60 room beat down estate. i have learned so much and the people are feels good to help, and give a little of your makes you feel good to give .maybe you will continue after your 10 hours. so many need an extra hand.

  2. Community service can be a good thing. We live in such a fast pace, that we fail to see the needs of people.  Go to a local church and ask them what some of the 'mission projects' are in their community.  Ask if you can help with them. Be honest with the pastor about why you need comunity work.

      *Help paint a house.

      *Mow lawns for widows

      *Wash windows

      *Help clean out gutters on houses.

      *If the church is giving out food to the poor, help them do that.

      *Volunteer to help cook breakfast for the homeless.

      *At a shelter, volunteer to do the laundry, or wash the floors, or the bathrooms.

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