
Anybody got ideas about what the year 2100 will be like?

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Anybody got ideas about what the year 2100 will be like?




  1. Well i know that me and you will both be dead by then.  

  2. I'm sure plenty of people have plenty of ideas of what it could be like.  Any realistic ideas?  I don't know.  Look at the novel 1984 by George Orwell written in 1949.  I don't know if that's what he really thought, I'm sure most of it was made up for dramatic fictional purposes, but it was pretty far off base.  And that was only 40 years difference.  

    I suspect 2100 will hold things we couldn't possibly dream of today.  My hope is for a more enlightened humanity who act with each others' best interests at heart, instead of this highly competitive, one-upmanship, I'm right/you're wrong, I'm good/you're evil society that we live in now.  I can only hope...

  3. Who knows, according to some people the world will end in the year 2012.

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