
Anybody got title ideas?

by  |  earlier

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I need help.

I am currently writing a novel type thing and need a snazzy title.

It is about a girl whose mother dies and she has to go and live with her dad and brother. She starts the local high school and meets a family who seem 'weird'. There is something about her own brother that is troubling her and little bits of information about her mum keep popping up in the most random places.

Any ideas at all would be helpful. Thanks in advance :)




  1. All i can say is that i'd love to read your book. seriously.

    How about Trouble as a title?

    Strange things, strange places

    Family ties

    Everything Lost


    I've tried to make the most of what info you've given, i'm not sure if any of these would fit though

  2. Half-Truths.

  3. it does sound like twilight, except the mother dieing..but ummm

    idk.. why is the family weird.. thats not really enough infromation for a good title name.

  4. Well... search through what you have so far and pick a line that just seems significant.

    and the whole 'weird family' thing at school when living with her dad... kinda like Twilight...?

    Maybe, if its more about the weird family then her brother than 'Outcasts'.

  5. Hmmm, very difficult to do with just these basic facts - sometimes important character or place names in the novel that have a bit of a ring to them could be good? I also like Pieces or Piecing Together like the random bits of information that come together about her mother... also something like Upheaval -something to do with this huge transition she goes through? Hope this helps a bit! Good luck with your novel type thing lol :)

  6. You'd have to give a better descripiton and yeah the book kind of sounds like twilight

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