
Anybody got views on the phone and broadband provider Talk Talk ,in the UK?

by  |  earlier

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They have been pestaring me for a few weeks now regarding a phone and broadband account , and it sounds a good deal , however it sounds too good to be true . Is it? any current users out there?




  1. Terrible, when they launched their service they said it was free connection but everybody I know who went onto the service got charged £10 apparently because they were out of the area whatever that meant.

    I wouldn't touch them, if you are interested I can put you in touch with a very reliable phone company and an excellent broadband provider, they are the ones I use.

    If you would like more information send me an email and I will

    get you all the details.

  2. I have the same problem as Dodie with BT. Having to turn the router on and off all the time is a right pain.

    I shall be changing next month, I,m thinking of the Post Office,

    but I have heard good things regarding Talk-Talk once you are onto the server.

    Any information out there.

  3. talk talk were on consumer program watchdog when they launched their broadband because they were so poor. loads and loads of complaints .

    however they may have sorted themselves out??..... i went with BT to be on the safe side so far so good.

    ps. dont touch tiscalli.!!!

  4. I went through the carrier that Douglas B is talking about and they are a brilliant company.  I've never been happier!  I suggest getting the web site from him  It's the best company you'll ever have!  Take a look at this web site  They're world wide!  just click onto the country that your in.

  5. My brother had a terrible time with them last year and I did a little research here the results of which seem to indicate that they have not changed much

  6. My daughter went for talk talk and we went with bt

    She got the better deal, better service and cheaper too - when her bills went high they cut them to below what bt would have charged her.

    Her router is better than ours - ours keeps stopping ans we have to keep turning it off and on whereas our daughter never seems to have a problem.

    We'll be changing when the contract ends with bt.

  7. It's a pain on the *** to get installed, but once it's in they're a good service

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