
Anybody had false labor for a day..?

by Guest32304  |  earlier

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I have been having contractions on and off since yesterday. They aren't quite regular though so I'm guessing its false labor.They aren't BH contractions, these felt like the real deal!! I'm almost 39 weeks. Has anybody else had this happen and gone into labor within a few days?




  1. with my first son I did this for the last 3 1/2 weeks. They were 6-10 apart but never got any closer and never went away. They hurt but not as bad as the full blown ones but they were not b.h my dr told me cuz they were making me dilate. I had my son 2 days before my due date.

  2. unlike what the first person real contractions can be irregular.i was in labor with my daughter with irregular contractions even after pitocin.even when i was pushing they were irregular.i pushed for over 2 hours but had very few contractions.good luck and hopefully you will have your bundle of joy soon...

  3. If they are irregular, then they are BH contractions unfortunately. Thats why so many woman think they are in labour when they aren't. I'm only 33 weeks 5 days and I get them all the time and they feel real too but aren't, unfortunately....

  4. I have been having false labor for 3 nights in a row now--I am 1 day past my due date now.  They have been strong enough for me to consider going to the hospital.  But after i try to lay down to sleep they slow down and go away and i am back to square one in the morning!!  This is my 3rd so i am worried about having a short labor and i have nothing to compare contractions to, because my 1st was induced and my second-the water broke before i started contracting.  

    good luck!!

  5. Yes, I had that with my 16 month old. It is uncomfortable but you can still walk around and do things. I ate some bad Papa Johns' pizza and had false labor pains the next day. I went to the hospital and I had contractions but they were irregular. This is common. But a week and a half later I gave birth. So good luck to you mommy. You're almost there :)

  6. i had false labor for 3 days they weren't perfectly regular but were close i went to  L&D and i was having false labor due to dehydration they hooked me up to an iv of fluids and all contractions went away now im being induced in 15 days

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