
Anybody have a clue why my two year old woke up from her nap and could mover her legs or arms?

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Hopefully someone can shed a little more light on this. My wife put our kid down for a nap around 3 and she finally woke up crying around 5:30. I picked her up and her neck kinda just flapped forward and she didnt move her arms or legs. She was pretty warm so we put her on the couch and she just kept crying and not moving. I tickled her feet and they moved A LITTLE but we picked up her arm and just flopped back down. We took her to the ER and they said that she had an ear infiction and they arent sure why she couldnt move. She started moving about an hour after her nap but still crying in the ER. She is now back to normal and the ER people didnt want to do anything unless we see something else. Can anybody give me some light on this. Thanks for the help




  1. This is very odd, but my only guess would be that maybe the way she slept caused her body to cramp up, making it extremely painful to move. If it happens again or more often, I'd advise you to get her to a doctor and see if they can help. Hope this helps.

  2. I would see a neurologist too.  Better be safe than sorry.

  3. That would really worry me too.  Even though she is better now, of course you want to know what it could have been.  I would get an appointment to discuss this with her pediatrician. I am not a Dr but  I was thinking about what it could have been and thought possibly, if her fever was up at the time, she had a febrile seizure while she was in taking her nap.  She may have just been coming out of it when she began crying when you went to get her.  Just a thought.  Discuss this with her Doctor.

  4. I would not accept that. I would be seeing a neurologist

  5. wow. i think you should get her tested for everything.

  6. take her to your pediatrician

  7. I don't know why, but it does remind me of a local story we had here a few weeks ago, a little boy age 3 all of a sudden couldn't walk, and it turns out he had a tick, in his head of all places.  It took them a while to find it because of his hair, but they removed it and he's fine.  I don't know if you live in an area with ticks or if she was outside today.  Also, if she's fine now, that's probably not what it was, but it just sounded similar.  If it was me, though, I'd definitely have her regular pediatrician give her the once over, and maybe even urge them to request an MRI or something.  Just me though.... and I totally know I'm over the top protective about medical issues with my kids.... good luck.  :)

  8. maybe she as numb. i have had incidents where i haven't moved when i have slept and when I woke up my arm or leg was completly numb and i couldn't move it. Just a guess other than that i have no idea.

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