
Anybody have a quick cure for a chest cold?

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i have a horrilbe chest cold....Any quite and successful ideas?




  1. yes its called a master cleanser

    1gallon distilled water

    1 lemon 1lime

    1 inch of fresh ginger

    1garlic clove

    1/4 cup of 100% pure maple surup

    a pinch of cayene pepper

    it taste like spicy lemonade  blend ingredience with part of the water then mix with rest of water and thats all you have to drink for the day and make sure you drink it all

    im from Alaska so trust me i know this works

  2. There is no such thing as a cure. A cold is caused by one of several viruses, usually Adenovirus.  The symptoms last usually for a week or two.

    All the things mentioned so far are for symptomatic relief, not cures.  Some of them are quite silly.

  3. Steam your head over a pot of boiling/hot water with Vicks or eucalytus essential oil--that will get things moving.  Use a vaporizer at night, you will get better faster.  I use Nyquil to help me sleep at night--sleep often helps you feel better overall.  Otherwise use Mucinex--it's a mucous thinner.

  4. Be careful with this one, quite a few people i know have ended up seriously ill and on antibiotics - seems to be virulent!

  5. if its in the chest and your spit is green ?then you need to see the doc or it will get worse?if not hot bath rub Vick on chest and back go to bed two paracetamol and plenty fluid intake,hope you feel better tomorrow take care

  6. Mustard packs help with that.

  7. Peppermint Essential Oil works wonders for symptomatic relief AND it has anti-microbial, anti-bacterial (most colds are caused by viruses...but while your immune system is fighting those viruses, its easy to catch a secondary bacterial infection), and anti-inflammatory properties leading to a shorter time of being down and out with the cold. I have used this countless times and have always had great success with it. Thyme Oil has anti-viral properties, but I have never tried that one. Cinnamon Oil is, also, very effective against almost all viruses.

  8. NyQuil works best for me.

  9. This may sound silly but put vick on the soles of your feet and wear a pair of socks to bed. This is meant to help with coughs and colds. good luck.x

  10. Chicken soup to clear the mucus and Vic's inhalers are great

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