
Anybody have any ideas for a big school fundraiser?

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I am the president of the Key Club chapter at my high school and every year we do a large fundraiser. Usuallyour fundraiser is monetary. For example, we put out milk jugs in all of the classrooms and had a little contest to see which homeroom could raise the most money for hurricane Katrina. The money was anything from loose change to checks from parents.

However, this year our office was thinking since the economy is not the greatest, a monetary fundraiser might not be too successful, especially with high schoolers who pay their own way with so much else.

Our supervisor had the idea of donating gently-worn shoes. I don't think this will work at all mainly because we tried it for a little while before.

So does anyone have any ideas? I was thinking maybe something along the line of care packages for soldiers stationed overseas...but this also has been done. I would like something different and originial...and for any outstanding ideas, credit will of course be given!




  1. Care pkgs for servicemen & women have been done, but the need continues.  I started mailing parcels to soldiers serving in Vietnam in 1967, & not a week goes by that I don't mail to my "adopted" soldiers serving in Iraq.  Two of my family members recently returned from tours in the Middle East, & I guarantee you that it is really important for morale for these guys & gals to know that somebody from home really cares about them.

    The needs are not just emotional.  Now that the PXs are profit-making enterprises, our soldiers are being charged outrageous prices for common toiletries & food.  If anyone is interested in charitable organizations helping the military, I have links to several on my website <>.  There is also a link there to a list of items that soldiers especially appreciate receiving.

    The ShoeBox Project website also shows community projects that are good for teens.  Good luck with your Key Club Project!

  2. You could hold a raffle/bingo night.  You could invite other clubs to donate raffle baskets or bingo prizes as well as ask local businesses.

  3. y not do a food drive 4 the soldiers or 4 starving ppl nd the class that wins gets a pizza partii

  4. Socks, socks, socks!

    Okay, sure, it's been done before... but it's a fun and new kind of drive that makes a huge impact.  A pair of warm, dry, clean socks is a small comfort that means a lot to a homeless person.

    Maybe instead of donating money or items, you could donate time.  Get a list of people to go to a local soup kitchen, animal shelter, or something of the like.  The highest percentage for a homeroom wins a free day, or something like that.

    For the seniors in the high school, you could organize a blood drive team.

    You could also do things to impact the school in green ways.  Sell aluminum water bottles with your school's name and mascot on it.  Petition for the cafeteria to use metal forks and plastic trays.  Ask the school if you can have recycling cans in the hallways and paper-recycling boxes in all of the classrooms.  Raise money to put solar panels on the roof.  Get your botany class to get their hands in the dirt and make a garden... or even a hydroponic one!  This is an integrative and interesting project that will improve your school and help the earth.

  5. Have a 50/50 drawing sell tickets for a dollar then draw a ticket the winner gets half the pot and the club gets the other half.  

    Or a food drive for a local food pantry.  

    A blood drvie.

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