I am the president of the Key Club chapter at my high school and every year we do a large fundraiser. Usuallyour fundraiser is monetary. For example, we put out milk jugs in all of the classrooms and had a little contest to see which homeroom could raise the most money for hurricane Katrina. The money was anything from loose change to checks from parents.
However, this year our office was thinking since the economy is not the greatest, a monetary fundraiser might not be too successful, especially with high schoolers who pay their own way with so much else.
Our supervisor had the idea of donating gently-worn shoes. I don't think this will work at all mainly because we tried it for a little while before.
So does anyone have any ideas? I was thinking maybe something along the line of care packages for soldiers stationed overseas...but this also has been done. I would like something different and originial...and for any outstanding ideas, credit will of course be given!