
Anybody have any ideas?

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My husband and I are expecting our first child and instead of having a shower we have decided to have a party. It would pretty much be like your average party but baby themed. We will be providing food but it is not a cook out. We are trying to come up with a clever name to call it on the invitations. Anybody have any ideas? So far the ideas we have are Baby Bash, Baby party, and Baby Bonanza. We are not sure if we are happy with any of those. Please help. Thanks.

Hopefully i put this into a good category. It was the reccomended one by answers. If not, i apologize.




  1. Well, usually the mom and dad don't host their own shower/party. Do you have a friend or family member that could host it for you?

    Baby Bash is my favorite of the names.

  2. Your names are cute...or what about Baby Brunch (if the timing is early lunch)? Try googling co-ed baby shower ideas and see if you can find a different title based on your theme?

    I think its a good idea to have guys there too, sometimes you need to change it up a bit. This link seems so be helpful for co-ed baby showers too, gives good ideas so that the guys dont get bored! Good luck! :)

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