
Anybody have any ideas why they would say this?

by  |  earlier

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i just had a laparospy and they told me i cant have s*x for 6weeks. why is that? is it because i could get pregnant? please be serious. not that it really matters to me but im just wondering




  1. From what I've read, every source has a different opinion on how soon after the surgery one can resume sexual activity, but none were as long as 6 weeks.  They probably told you that due to something they found during the laparoscopy.  It would be helpful to know why you needed one.  For future reference, you should ask your doctor these types of questions because they are the only one who can properly answer them.  For now, FOLLOW THEIR ADVICE!! regardless of why.  You should try to contact your doctor and ask, or just wait for your follow up appointment.

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