
Anybody have any thougts about the founder of the weather ch?

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annel dismissing the idea of humans causing global warming?




  1. as soon as there is true scientific data from areas under controlled circumstances than i would believe in global warming,but flawed data turns out flawed results,no true scientist would accept global warming as fact without having real data. i believe he is correct that it is a scam

  2. He's right, other than letting off all our nukes in the world at once, humans can't affect the Earth's temperature. Michael Moore and Al Gore have poisoned your feeble little minds with propaganda, and are laughing themselves silly in their Cadillac Escalades as they leave their mansions and go to the bank to count their money, running over a squirrel on the way. If you want to live like 3rd world savages because you think you're helping the polar bears, be my guest.

  3. He sounds like one smart cookie!

  4. John Coleman is an entertainer, he is not a meteorologist or climate scientist. I think his training consists of an undergraduate minor in meteorology.  As a TV weatherman, he is a bit of a clown (he's one our local TV weather people). The times that I've watched him I notice that he gets a lot of stuff wrong. Even though the Weather Channel is now worth billions, he managed to lose money on it.

    The "Petition Project" is stupid, it has been going on for years, collecting names of supposed "scientists," the vast majority of them untrained in climate science and many of whom are now dead.  Real scientists write papers on the subject, fake scientists just sign petitions.

  5. When someone stands up to challenge the politically correct consesus it takes courage. Good for him.

  6. There's no more reason to trust this guy's opinion than a bubble-headed "weathergirl" in a bikini. They both have the same qualifications and the same job.

  7. John Coleman has no authority or training on the subject. He's not a climatologist, nor is he a meteorologist. He's just some old rich businessman who now works as an on-camera TV weather anchor.

    Edit. Mr. Coleman is not even eligible to sign the OISM Petition Project; one needs at least a B.A. degree in any science. John Coleman does not qualify.

    The “Petition Project” by OISM SURE IS ONE AMAZING PIECE OF EVIDENCE that overturns nearly 200 years[1] of scientific understanding that greenhouse gases trap outgoing infrared radiation in the atmosphere close to Earth’s surface.

    According to the Petition Project, 40 of the signatories are climatologists.[2] But since their field of expertise and their current research on the topic are not linked with names, it is not possible to verify whether or not more (or less) than forty of the signatories study climate change.

    The featured signer, Edward Teller,[3] has been dead for nearly 5 years, which allows him ample time from beyond to read the latest IPCC report (2007) and draw conclusions.

    “When the Oregon Petition first circulated, … John Grisham, Michael J. Fox, Drs. Frank Burns, B. J. Honeycutt, and Benjamin Pierce (from the TV show M*A*S*H), an individual by the name of "Dr. Red Wine," and Geraldine Halliwell, formerly known as pop singer Ginger Spice of the Spice Girls [were quick to add their names to the petition]. Halliwell's field of scientific specialization was listed as ‘biology.’”[4]

    According to the National Science Foundation, more than 12 million science and engineering degrees have been awarded in the U.S. since 1966.[5] That 31,071 of them would sign an on-line petition denying climate change is indeed significant!

  8. I love him for having the guts to speak his mind.  He makes really good points...and obviously I totally agree with him.

  9. My thought is that Coleman gets way too much attention.  He has no education on the subject, so personally I don't really care about his opinion any more than I care about Al Roker's.

  10. Yes, I do have thoughts!

    But why is this question here in global warming?

    One person's opinion - no science, no experience (in climate change), no data, no qualifications... why, he has as much right to an opinion as I do!

    So: My opinion is that GW exists and is caused by humans.

    That evens it out right? One person says yes, one person says no.

    He's a TV weatherman - a populist entertainer who has one verifiable skill: He can read a teleprompter.

    Using his opinion to justify a position on global warming is like using a New York cabbie's opinion on public transport in Jakarta to decide Indonesian policy (he drives a car for a living, don't he?)

  11. He's not a legitimate authority.    If you don't believe in AGW you can't be a legitimate authority.

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