
Anybody have stories about their toddlers being rude?

by Guest64282  |  earlier

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My daughter is three and is usually well behaved when i take her shopping. Tonight though i have never been so embarrassed. We were in an aisle looking at shoes when someone came into the same aisle as us and my daughter looks up at her and yells lady get out of here go to your own aisle this is mine get out. I was shocked that she would say something like this she has always been so polite. I told her to apologize but she refused so i did and took her straight to the car and had a long talk with her about being polite and that it was not her aisle but she keeps going it was my aisle not hers. Anybody else have a story? Or advice on what you should do when a child does this.




  1. Children say the darndest things! She must of heard someone say pick up things very fast. My daughter started yelling at me after me and my fiance got into an argument...

  2. I take care of a two years old. And  like one month ago we where on the street walking and in the opposite direction was coming a "little person" (midget) . Suddenly he start to say Nana (he call me like that) Nana and I said what and he said look at that Nana look at that and I said what and he with a very amazed face said a Little Guy Nana is a little guy look, and when the little person pass by he said It's so funny Nana it was a little guy. I have to admit that I thought it was funny that he was so amazed and than he notice. We talk about don't comment so loud about other people, but he didn't care he was just waiting to get home and tell mommy! It was embarrassing but funny that he was so amazed about it.

  3. when my son was 4 we sat opposite a very fat man on the bus. he had several rolls  of fat. my son remarked out loud." look mum that mans got a big willy"  i tried distracting him by pointing out things out of the window. but it only made him more insistent.

  4. My daughter is almost 4 and has and is very nice and polite but the other day while grocery shopping a larger lady walked by and my daughter said there is a big lady buying noddles i dont know if the lady heard and i dont think my daughter meant it as she thought the lady was fat , we just had a baby and keep telling her that she is a big girl and sometimes she will say you are a big mommy or big daddy or so on but how do you explain it to the other person you know they wont believe you . I had a long talk with her and said that sometimes it might hurt someones feelings to call them big. it was very embarrassing  

  5. The other day  the four year old boy I take care of pointed to a women in a wheelchair and said very loudly"Why is she in that chair and why does she talk so funny!" We were standing five feet away so I imagine she must have heard him even though she was speaking to someone else. I pulled him aside and told him what he said was not nice and he shouldn't say things like that about a person.That he needed to treat others with respect even though they might look or sound different. Given he was only four I did not go into detail of why she might be in that chair, but simply spoke to him on his level. I knew he ment no malice, so I left it at that

  6. My bub isn't out yet but wen i was younger i would call my aunty "old biddy" who knows why.. Luckily she just laughs about it!  

  7. lol every kid embarrasses you at one or several times in your life. my daughter is five and she still says things to embarrass me in public. I can't think of one thing imparticular because it's happened so many times. but she will comment on people, like she's fat. she even drummed on my butt earlier and said it's like a drum mommy! I just can't wait for my 2 1/2 year old to start following in her sister's footsteps. I usually shush my daughter when she is like this and then explain to her after a sorry to the person she offended that she can't say things like that. but kids are honest and they don't understand that their words effect others. she'll understand when she gets older. it's just something all of us parents have to deal with till then. lol kids are great and I have a boy on the way. I can't immagine what a boy is going to be like!

  8. My 3yr old saw a very large lady with grey hair and a skin tight red tracksuit in the mall.  She got really excited and pointed right at her

    "Look Mum," I shushed her "But look!! that's..." I shushed her again and tried to drag her away, but she dug her heels in and yelled at the top of her lungs "But Mum look, it's Santa Claus!!!"

    When I told my doctor this story, he told me his son, also 3, had seen an obese woman in the supermarket, and they were in line in the checkout behind here when her beeper went off "Look out Dad," he yelled "She's backing up!"

  9. I laugh so hard what you just say, i understand how you feel, felt so embassed! but thats normal kids are being honest lol!.. i remember i was baby sit my Lil Sister , i had to rent a movie for her, so my husband and i took her to rent the movie, and she saw a Midget man work there at the cashier , and she point at him ( she was like 3 year old) " and saying out loud :" YOU ARE SO SMALLER" , i was soo embassed, and told him sorry she is my little sister.  

  10. Heh!  That's pretty funny.  

    I don't have any kids of my own, but I was a little snot when I was younger.  My mom's great-aunt invited us to stay at her beach house for the weekend, and as we were pulling out of the driveway, for whatever reason, I stuck my head out the window and yelled, "Bye, you old Ding-Bat!!!"

    My mom was mortified!

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