
Anybody help me with this clomid question ?

by  |  earlier

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I have been on clomed for a few months now. The doctor told me to start taking on first day of period. fine ..I thought ...but period starts , so I take the tablet and then the period dries up ?? I get a little brown `spotting` I worry that this is not right. I know I will ask doc at next appointment but I am worried please if you have and simuler experience ..let me know. The Clomid tablets have got me to ovulate ..thank goodness.




  1. Hi - I took Clomid for 6 months and I was told to take it on days 5 - 9. I think that's where your issue is your taking it too early. Give your GP a call to make sure what he/she told you is correct. Glad it's helped you ovulate. Baby dust to you and me

  2. I was told to take it on day 2-6, Have you took a pregnancy test you can still bleed.

  3. I've never heard of taking it on day one. I was told you either take it days 3-7 or 5-9. I took it 5-9. I think you are taking it too early.

  4. I have never heard of taking it on day 1 of a period..

    I was on Clomid and i took it from day 2 to day 6 of my period..!!

    I would go and see you Doctors as soon as you can as this dont seem right.!!!

  5. Never heard of taking it on day one...When I was on it it was from day 5-9..if its making you ovulate...don't worry about it...keep trying to get pregnant.

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