
Anybody here lives in CUBA. Alguien aqui vive en CUBA?

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If yes,please tell me how is Cuba. I hear that there's not enough food and people suffer is that true.

La gente tiene comida, se verdad que la gente sufer. Alguien digame algo.




  1. I live in Cuba. (And have done so since 2000).

    I understand that in worst part of the "special period" - after the disinegration of the Soviet bloc, then many Cubans did not have enough food.

    Now, I think there are relatively few Cubans suffering from lack of food. (Lots of people find it a struggle to get food, though.)  Cuba has a ration system which provides some of the basics (unlike other countries in similar position).

  2. Buddy lives in Cuba??

    Where are you getting on line???

  3. Hi

    My name is Maribel, I am Cuban.

    are you planing to visit my island?

    i would like to tell you that any country of the So-called Third World has serious economical situations but as a turist you won't notice anything, in Cuba there are beautiful resorts and I can asure you it is one of the most safety places to visit now a days.

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