
Anybody here old enough to remember when Gaddafi was the bad guy?

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  1. Yep I remember when Libyan terrorist bombed a Marine night club.  I don't have a problem with Condi Rice talking to Khadaffi.... What's ironic is that when Obama said he would talk to our enemies all of the republicans sad it was appeasement. I think it's a great idea to talk to our enemies especially if we can avoid conflict. Bombs don't always work.

  2. Yes. We bombed the c**p out of him and he sings a different tune now. Peace through strength.

  3. Unfortunately, I am.

    Gaddafi has certainly changed his policies and mellowed out over the years since Reagan was in office.

  4. Yes, Qaddafi was the bad guy and Saddam was the good guy,

  5. yes..and he still is..but the new Bush plan of kicking your teeth in ..has made him a wise man..we killed his daughter and help Chad..that's a country he invaded..and got the stomping of a life the good col koodaffy is now retired from the terrorist game and will turn it over to Obama ..who will destroy America from the inside..with the help of white see its the scum bag scum bags gives it to another scum bag and so on..

  6. Reagan:

    In dealing with a terrorist, ordered a surprise attack on Libyan Gaddafi's palaces. Gaddafi has kept his mouth shut ever since.


    In dealing with terrorists, gave them 3 weeks advanced notice that he was coming. They easily escaped. Destroyed a country of Afghanistan, then attacked Iraq with no involvement with terrorism and still occupies them both, while Al Qaeda has grown from 200 men to 8000.


    Has the same foreign policy advisers as Bush from the PNAC and American Enterprise Institute. That's why he's McSame and not McReagan.

  7. I remember when he threatened to shoot Americans on American streets.

  8. yes when they bombed his tents and killed his son  

  9. Yup. Remember they tried to drive him nuts with rock music?

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