
Anybody just want to go to sleep but you can't!?

by  |  earlier

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I am so exhausted.

My 13 month old daughter won't sleep.

She didn't have a nap today.

She has a fever from her shots today.

She is very grouchy.

All I want to do is sleep!! ha.

But, I don't think that will happen any time soon.

When she doesn't have a nap it makes for a very very difficult bed time.

Anybody else with me.. or am I all alone on this?




  1. I feel ya.  Thank God for Law & Order reruns; they have gotten me through many a sleepless night.

    Mickey spent all evening in a heated indoor pool.  He only napped for an hour all day, and he swam his little butt off tonight.  Seriously, you'd think the boy would be exhausted, but nooooooooo...

    He JUST.  FELL.  ASLEEP.  It's quarter after eleven.  How much you wanna bet he'll be up for another party around one?

    EDIT- Doh!  You revealed my real name!  I'm not Missy, I swear I'm not....

    Oh, and it's now 2:30 a.m.  Guess who's up and ready to party like it's his birfday?

    If this keeps up, I'm throwing him in the car and driving to Akron so he can meet a hot babe to party with.

  2. aaahhhhhh. I know how you feel. I went out saterday and it killed my whole schedule for the week. I am exausted and can barely stay awake, But I have three kids and I have to be here for them. It's killer isn't it? You just want to enter the precious world of oblivion. What ever you do stay away from your bed. This will always make it worse. Don't even sit on it. If you do then you will never get up. :)

    Good Luck!!

  3. Um.. if you want you daughter to be healthy and active your going to have to stay awake with her, and it's your duty to help her grow big. You have to stay awake with her and i think that if you stay awake with her she will grow to be a good healthy person and all the credit will go to you.

  4. My daughter cried for hours after her first shots so the Doc recommended a little  bit of Benedrill to make her drowsy and fall asleep. But I wonder if your baby is getting some teeth that interferer with her naps though? So she may need Tylenol or some gum gel.

  5. motrin or tylenol will help make her comfy so she can rest. every 4-6 hrs.

  6. oh yes, i understand sleepless nights. one word: colic. seriously, governments should interrogate people by making them listen to a screaming kid for a week. i'd cave. i'd tell them anything they wanted to know.  

  7. I'm so sorry.  It's been a while since I've had to deal with that, but I know how you feel.

    I know you already know this, but be careful about what you do to entertain her.  Since she didn't nap, is fussy and grumpy from her shots, you probably don't want to overstimulate her more than she needs to be.  The more tired she gets the harder it can be to get her to eventually fall asleep.  Find some things to do to entertain her that are really calming and "boring" to her.  The rhythm of language is really calming, so you reading out loud might help.  Putting on a movie and watching it with dim light and low volume can also help.  Making the lights not very bright helps create a "sleepy" mood while preventing the big strobe light effect of the dark.  Keeping the volume low lets the droning of the movie and the picture help soothe.  Classical music, or even white noise might help too.

    Are there other calming things that you can do with her?  Maybe pull out some lotion and give her a baby massage.  You can massage where she had her shots, as well as her back.  You could also make up a bed of big comfy blankets in the middle of the living room and see how she handles that.  

    You can also try to get her to eat some naturally calming foods. Berries, avocados, and asparagus have calming properties, but I'm not sure if those are something you keep on hand.  We don't.  :D  Carbohydrates also have a calming effect, so you can have her munch on some graham crackers or something similar.  Oatmeal, oranges, and milk also can help calm.  Maybe the two of you can have a midnight snack.  :)

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