
Anybody know India's food recipes?

by  |  earlier

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I want to make them, i need to know their recipes.

I really appreciate if u guys go for the detail, ingredients, where to get those ingredients, methods, etc.

Thank you!!




  1. I don't have a recipe for any of the dishes you mentioned but I do have a recipe for curry and samosas... I got them off a woman that called me from my credit card company in India. We were waiting for my transaction to be processed and it was taking a LONG time so I asked her for some recipes. If you want them I am more than happy to share them. They are authentic courtesy of the woman in India that called me LOL regarding my overdue balance on my credit card ha ha ha ha ha!! I am not kidding. I LOVE Indian food and she was a really nice lady. Said I made her day LOL!! Like I said, I am willing to share the recipes she gave me.

  2. recipe for tandoori chicken


    1) chicken (best use deboned chicken breast or thigh)

    2) 1 table spoon finely chopped garlic

    3) 1 table spoon finely chopped ginger

    4) 1 table spoon chilli powder

    5) 2 table spoons tumeric powder

    6) 4 table spoons yugurt

    7) pepper & salt

    8) 1 table spoon of galam masala (spices)(try indian shop selling spices)


    1) cut chicken into manageable size

    2) mix ingredients 2 to 8

    3) marinante chicken with mixture of ingredients 2 to 8

    4) put marinated chicken into a zip bag & put in fridge for at least 6

        hours or overnite

    5) use a earthen pot to fry the chicken

  3. go to

    and good luck :)

  4. yum! i love tiki marsala and butter chicken. please share recipes! i know you can get the spices at a indian/Mediterranean market. i got some recipes on line by typing in the dish i wanted to make. good luck.

  5. chopped onion in your food and there you have an indian recipe!

    lol, google that sh*t. derr

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