
Anybody know a good place for me to go to restore my credit score?

by  |  earlier

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I am in dire need of help, my credit score sucks!




  1. I suggest that you get a copy of your credit report, go through all of the stuff on it, and find any mistakes or old charges.  When you find these things, you can dispute them, and potentially get them removed from your score.  The next step is to find the negative stuff, and contact all the companies you owe.  Make timely, regular payments to these people are your credit score will start to go up steadily.  I did the same thing, and I was able to raise my credit score from a 544 to a 620 in about 7 months.  It takes a while, but be persistent and your score will get better.  Good luck!!

  2. You do it by making regular payments on credit obligations -- credit cards, auto loans, etc.  


    repair and/or build your credit

    You can get a better credit score a lot of ways but it depends first of all if there are things in the report you want to erase or if you want to build your credit long term or even if you have a big purchase such as a car or house in the near future. all these things and more can be found at website.

  4. If there are items that aren't true, send the credit card companies a letter detailing the false items.  But if your score is poor because you haven't paid your bills, then the only way to improve it is to pay your bills.  The companies that claim otherwise will just scam you.

  5. if you have a friend that has perfect or good credit, you can ask them to put u in their credit with your SS# too, and that way you can build your credit.  

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