
Anybody know about travel from the US to Cuba?

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I have just applied for a passport to Cuba from the United States. I am to be married there next month. My question is.. I heard it's illegal for Americans to be in Cuba. Is this true?

I also heard that I can travel there but I'd need to fly to somewhere like Mexico first then to Cuba. I'm kind of worried that my passport won't be approved.. anybody know of this?




  1. im from philippines, i'd been to cuba last year coz i got married there with my canadian husband. yeah it's true that US citizen is not allowed to go there but you can always fly thru mexico. Many american is travelling in cuba too so there is no need to worry.  The cuban immigration dont stamp the passport so there's no problem when you get back to US. Just dont let the US immigration know that you went to Cuba.

    Ps  -   if you are going there, try to bring Euro or other major currency instead bcoz if you are going to bring US dollars, they will charge you 10% for every amount you change. And another note, when me and my husband was there, they didnt accept my husband's credit card so we were both shocked (maybe bcoz his debit card was released by  an american company). Only his credit card works so if i were you, you must research about these things and ask to those people who really know about these matter so you wont be ended up like what happened to us. I was worrying that time coz we almost running out of money, i dont wanna stuck in cuba. Lucky my husband's friend help us by putting some money in his credit card. That's the only way he can help us coz cant send money using western union from canada either, but western union from US is accepted. Whew!

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