
Anybody know any scam free online work at home sites?

by Guest59817  |  earlier

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Anybody know any scam free online work at home sites?




  1. If you want a legit home base job please email me at I just started one myself and no big investment needed and the company I work for are all about environmental friendly products. Right now we are having a special to start up a business for only a $1. So if you're interested just let me know.

    Goodluck with your search.

  2. If you find one that's not.....Oh this is useless, there are none. Firsts thing they ask is your credit card # or to buy something.

  3. Data Entry at Home

    Earn $200 - $400/day w/the Top Data

    Entry Companies - No Experience OK

  4. I've setup a website which describes the best methods to find a real work from home job.  I only include links to genuine websites for data entry and work at home jobs.

    If you need any more help please send me a private message on yahoo.


    Others I've found which have been very useful: (good for IT jobs / Office Support / Accountancy from home)  (Mainly IT jobs)

  5. Most of them are scams, but choose a genuine one

    try this one


  6. You can try to find a good one by reading reviews made by customers at

  7. Yes there are several. I work from home get taxes taken out and paid every two weeks with a company that actually does customer service, sales, and order lines. If you want the complete list go to and register. There are also data entry jobs, and fun ones too. It's directly deposited into my account and I don't have to worry about taxes.

  8. No they don't exist.

  9. You can try this. They don’t ask for a credit card or any money, like the scam sites.

    You won’t get rich though.

    It’s about $100 per week. They pay by Paypal and check.

    I have posted pictures of Paypal payments I have received, as proof.


  10. try this many have got great results with this sign up and start earning gotta spend couple of hrs working tho..

  11. If you are serious about online work at home jobs, then you should join at least (1) trusted affiliate program, visit:

    most of the programs are free to join, they are not only free, but they are the BEST on the net, I highly recommend SFI, they are just perfect...but you have the freedom to check all of them and to join whatever is best for you..

    Another Fantastic & Highly recommended site is sitesell, check the top banner on the blog, that's one of the most amazing & interesting sites you'll ever see.. they have a great affiliate program (real smart one), read everything on their site & watch the videos..

    Moreniche is another great site, they have (2) new health natural products, they are new in the market and have a great potential & future for affiliates in case you are interested in promoting health products, which I think it's a good thing these days, I mean everything related to health...

    check all the links on the right list..and you'll find most of the programs, which are free for now..

    Plus you should build a site (your own domain name), that's a high priority, if you can drive a lot of traffic to your site you can make a lot from google adsense alone, & other pay per click programs..

    Keep an eye on the blog & you'll find all the resources & tools to succeed in your online business..

    & don't forget to download your free e-books..

    Good luck..

  12. No, they are all about sucking your money out

  13. A home based "job" is not going to bring you a sufficient amount of income. You will only be paid minimum wage. Most companies don't feel they need to pay anyone more then that because their gas cost is eliminated. What people don't realize, what about your spouse? Do they still have to drive to work every day? Grocery shopping, outings, and things like that are still going to cost gas. If your married and you have a minimum waged job, pretty much your entire pay check will be going to your spouse's gas tank with the gas prices these days. Then you still have the normal bills you need to pay each month as well, food, utilities, mortgage (rent for most people). Think about how much money you spend in that alone? If you need more income, I don't see how a minimum wage home "job" is going to cut it then. If a minimum wage job is sufficient then email me and I can give you a referral to apply for a home job. I won't guarantee that you will get the job, I have no control over that. The competition is really high for home based jobs. a home job is not going to have any fee's attached to it. Another reason why they pay such a low amount to work at home.

    If you really want to work from home, and want to make a sufficient amount of income, then I suggest you start your own home based business. There are many different kinds of home based businesses to get involved in. Child Daycare Centers, Catering, Scrap Booking, Telecommunications, Candle Making, Travel agents, Tax Preparations, Health etc. I also created a blog on my 360 page on home based business opportunities.

    Your more then welcome to take a look at them for more ideas. A lot of information regarding  scams, what to really look for in researching a business you want to get involved in, and many other things.

    When you first start a business, there is no money made at first. You have to build it up. No matter what business you get involved in. The more effort you put into it and how hard your willing to work it, the faster you start making a sufficient amount of income. If you calculate the amount of hours you put into a regular job or a home "job" and the little you get paid, you would be better off starting a simple home based business, but make a lot more money and have more advantages.

    In home based businesses, depending on which one you get involved in, it usually takes about 2 to 4 weeks to start making an average income. (about the same time frame as your first payroll period) Then, as you keep working your business, 4 to 6 weeks to increase that income, and 3 to 6 months to be self sufficient. That is only if you put the time and effort into it. If you just say "I started a business" and don't put any time or the effort needed in your business, then you won't make an income.

    Most people have full time jobs and run their business on the side. When their business reaches the income level they desire, they put their normal jobs down and continue with their business growing. Other's dive into it head first and tackle it and get it going faster. Either way, you have the same opportunity to make a sufficient amount of income.

    I don't know what you enjoy doing, hobbies, interests etc, so I'm not sure which home based business to refer you over to. I can let you know what my husband and I have been involved in for over six years.

    The business we chose to get involved in was more practical to us and something people used on a daily bases and wouldn't know what they would do without. We didn't have to worry about when money runs tight for them that they'd run to the nearest store and buy the items on sale, or have to cut back expenses and drop what I was providing some sort of service to make ends meet for them. We also wanted to make sure that they were registered with the BBB, who was involved with the company. They have also have been featured in several magazines like USA Today, Success, Fortune etc. Inc 500 also rated us the 22nd fastest growing company in our first five years. We are world wide with headquarters in in Farmington Hills Michigan, Carolina, Canada, Europe, Australia. So it's a pretty good sized organization to be involved in.

    We par

    Tiffany tnered up with a 15 year old world wide company that offers services that people use every day and pay for anyway. Services like Local and Long distance telephone services, Internet, digital, video, VOIP, Satellite TV, and all the major cellular phone providers like Verizon, T-mobile, Sprint, AT&T, Nextell, Alltel etc. as well.

    How many people do you know, or know of around the world that uses one or more of these services? That's another reason why we chose this business because everyone uses one or more. It's a service that people are not going to give up on because money is tight. People are going to pay their utility bills before they purchase the top brand of soap when they can easily run to the dollar store and buy a package of 4 for a dollar instead of a bar for $2 sort of thing. You know what I mean? We save people money on services that they are already using and paying for, and offer them services that they don't have, but would like to. As an example, say they have a local and long distance telephone service, they want Internet, I offer them the Internet as well as save them money on their local and long distance telephone service, they accept and then every single month these people pay these bills that they are going to anyway, every month we make a percentage. This is a very profitable business to get involved in. A lot of money involved in this industry!

    If you'd like more information, your more then welcome to email me at anytime.

  14. Hahahahahahahahaha.  Scam free... hahaha. Thats hilarious.

  15. if you are willing to write for work, try This site has a job board where you can find blogging and writing jobs. I assume that most of these sites will allow you to work from home.

  16. I decided to come here to try and help those of you that are desperately looking for a legitimate work at home job just like me.  I have sat here reading everyones answers for so long now just hoping that I would find just one that would work.  I have spent so much money on scams, but the other day I actually found a program that gave me great information on how to make money.  It is so easy too!  I made about $220 in the first couple of days.  I am so excited to actually make any money, especially more than what I paid for it.  Hopefully this will continue, I am a skepticle person, but I really can't see why it wouldn't!  Its great!  I can't submit the website so I added it to my about me section.  Just click on my name.    I truely wish you good luck!  I also sell creative memories scrapbooking supplies. I am a huge scrapbooker, and love their stuff.  I don't try that hard and I do make a small profit, but it is sooo much fun.  That is another option for working at home.

  17. If you really want to make money then I highly recommend you use this free program. It gives you everything you need to build a serious and sustainable income for free. You are provided with all the tools and help you need, as well as a step by step guide to building a business. You can build this business for absolutely zero out of pocket cost if you want to and in your spare time. It does take effort and dedication in order to succeed but it is well worth the effort.

    I personally use this program and I fully endorse it. There are no hidden costs and you can start building your online business right away.

    Go have a look if you’re interested. The link below will take you to my site which I made to help explain a little about the program. The main actual sign up page is located after you click one of the “join links”. There is no risk involved because the program is free. Don’t hesitate, make your decision.

    Warm Regards.


    If you decide to use this program, prepare yourself to do lots of reading. There is a 40+ page website of explanation and guidance for you to follow. You can take as much time as you need to read it but I do recommend that you read it all.

  18. There is a site where u can find genuine Data Entry jobs/Work at Home jobs without any up front costs or any registration fee. Work at home data entry Resources. Guides on identifying Work at home Job Scams and a lot more.

    Visit here:


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