
Anybody know any texas hold em online tells?

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Anybody know any texas hold em online tells?




  1. Dan Harrington says the best source for finding tells is in the hands. Pay attention to your opponents hands when you play. Also, pick up a book titled Read'em and Reap, by Joe Navarro. He was an FBI profiler. Now he teaches poker tells.

  2. There are a couple easy ones, but online you can never be sure of anything.

    It is always best to use the Player Note option on any online site to record your impression of past play, expecially bad play if you see them do it. These notes can be invaluable over time. Use them to develop a "picture" of the players style.

    Here are a few online tells.

    The Fast Click. Many poker rooms offer the player a preselection button to speed the action. When you see that a player has used this option to check, then that player does not likely have a hand. A raise next round with a strong hand will likely chase them out.

    The Slow Click. Often a player who does not have a hand will take more than their normal time to check. They want you to think they may have made a hand and are considering whether or not to bet. Most of the time this is a bluff tactic. They are on a draw and hoping you won't raise.

    Change Up. You have noticed the player has been limping in and suddenly they raise big. Usually means a big hand. Or a player who normally does not limp in suddenly does limp in. This means monster too. When most players Change Up, they are trying to disguise something. Watch for this and make notes on it.

    Sit Out/dropped connection. Some sites identify players sitting out and some do not. A sitting out player cannot call a raise, so they are fair game. Watch for this as you play if you are on a site that does not identify sitouts. If you are on an uncalled SB, raise to a sitout on the BB and you win (unless the BB puts him all in, then there is a showdown).

    For more FREE strategy in online Texas Holdem go to:

  3. betting tells are the most reliable, but this might not be the best place to explain them.

    others i've noticed:

    1. The speech: if somebody chats something before betting, particularly negative things, they're holding a monster.

    2. Showing bluffs: this is just bad poker, imho. i've never seen a bluffer win, ever. once they show, everybody just starts going after them.

    3. the medium-large stack all in on a short table: this nearly always means a small pair, and they're trying to steal the blinds. an actual hand like a big pair or ak is usually a bet of 4-5X the big blind.

    4.  preflop double or triple reraise: aces. if they raise and then go all in, it's usually not aces (but often a strong hand.)

    Example (p1 is not small stacked):

    P1: Raise->P2: Reraise->P1: Re-reraise = aces.

    P1: Raise->P2: Reraise-> P1: Call =Ax or medium pair

    P1: Raise -> P2: Reraise->P1: All in = big pair like QQ or AK.

    P1: All in = Small pair

  4. Not in the traditional sense of the word "tell".  Traditionally, a tell would be a facial tick, a way a player pushes his chips in the pot, any one of many other physical actions/reactions that can give a live poker player additional information about a player and his hand.  On line poker eliminates any visible information you can gather from a player.  In on line play, the best you can do is pay careful attention to a player and their betting habits and make an educated guess on their hand based upon the way they played previous hands.  If you have never played a hand with a player before in an on line game, you will have no information to use to determine if that all-in they just made when the fourth club hit the board was a complete bluff or the nuts.

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