
Anybody know anything about getting ssi?

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I am almost fifty. I haven't worked in 5 years. Can you get ssi for fibromayalgia? How long does it take? Do you have to have a lawyer? thanks




  1. I believe it is very difficult to obtain SSI or SSD for fibromyalgia.  If you have worked in the past you might be eligible for SSD & Medicare. You ought to check with your local social security office.

    If it pertains to you it might be easier to get SSI/SSD for Major Depression; but both would need to demonstrate that you are unable to perform day to day tasks & be unable to work in ANY job.

    A strong letter would need to show that your symptoms make you unable to function at all.  For instance, that the pain or depression make you have "brain fog" which makes you unable to concentrate, pay attention, have difficulty following instructions; impaired memory; slowed down & so unable to meet deadlines.

    Social isolation & withdrawal which makes it difficult to interact with colleagues & supervisors. Your social network has shrunk, can't talk to people, etc.

    You have major trouble completing activities of daily living such as:  Taking care of mail; cooking; cleaning self; apartment, losing things.

    Sleep problems that make it impossible to get to places on time or be consistent with attendance, etc.

    You would not get it on the "diagnosis" itself.  You would need to prove you are unable to function.

    You would need to explain how you have been living for 5 years.

    It takes a long time, at least 1 year & oftentimes 1st application is rejected & you need to appeal it.

    If you are applying only for SSI...apply separately for Medicaid where they have to make a decision much faster.  Apply for SSI 1st & bring that appl. to Medicaid with you, that way you will at least have Medical coverage.

    I suggest getting a lawyer, but not one of those you have to pay if your case is accepted.  Try calling Legal Aid to see if they will work with you...if not ask for referrals to legal services that will help with SSI/SSD & Medicaid.  They can sometimes expedite the case & you will feel more at ease at a hearing.

    Good luck

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