
Anybody know anything about horse back riding from Mexico to Canada? Is it possible?

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I am very interested in making a journey on my horse from Mexico to Canada. I want to know first if it is even possible? Secondly, how does one figure out the best possible route to avoid highways and other major obstacles?





    This website says it is possible.  It is called the Pacific Crest Trail.

  2. I know personally of no direct horse trail from Mexico to Canada.  

    These IS an annual ride along Chief Joseph's trail that is quite a long ride.

    I suggest contacting Trail Riding website or even Trail Rider magazine and see what people know about potentially connecting or close trails.

    Now, I knew of a lady who rode her horse clear up into Alaska - but she didn't follow a trail.  She followed known trails when she could and roads when trailers were unavailable.  She camped and slept in people's barns and stuff who were good enough to take her in and some passed the word to friends on up the "trail" for her sometimes.  I can't remember if she rode from Minnesota to Alaska or from where to Alaska, but I met her and her horse.

    One can't just hop on one's horse and set out.  The horse must be properly trained for such an event - I'm having trouble coming up with the word.....conditioned - he/she must be in peak condition to travel that far - or even across any state, for that matter before just setting out.  You also must consider things like what will you and the horse eat along the way?  You won't be able to carry or find the same food all the time that he's accustomed to.

    Do you know how to plan for him to eat as needed (time-wise)?  Have you done any homework on possible connections or farms along a proposed route that will take you in or any thoughts to emergency contacts along the way?

    I have recently been talking to a friend who's set on hiking a trail from Georgia into the Blue Ridge, Catskills and Poconos (and wahtever other ranges there are) ending up in like NY or Pennsylvania or something.  I guess that's a 6 month hike that one must start out on Georgia in a certain time in May or March.  It's been figured at a certain pace where you should be at certain times to avoid too hot or too cold weather.  Apparently the trail is mapped for people to follow but I doubt it's a marked trail that many people regularly traverse.

    I would assume that the distance from Mexico to Canada is longer than from Georgia to NY - and would also assume one would want to start out near Mexico very early in the year to end up in Canada before awful snowfall.

    Good luck

  3. Yeah I did it, but it took 205 horses, and they were put under the hood of my car!

  4. yes yes there is but i doent start directy at the border on one trail i live right by the border (by mexico) and we took a trail to a trail to the Pacific Coast Trail which goes all the way to canada

    any  other horsey Questions email me at i love answering horsey questions

    i do endurance and that enables me to know quite a bit of trails

  5. wow that would be a sore bum

  6. Oh it is possible, it is possible.

    Personally I did it from Chile to Alaska.

  7. This may help. You can pick out the camping grounds that allow horses. Maybe have hay to sale along the way....??? I have been to a few places that sold hay if needed.

  8. there are a few deserts along the way..., gonna do it on a horse with no name?

    ha! get it? horse with no name? the song by America???

    "i rode through the desert on a horse with no name"

    ahhhh funny

    yeah, this has been a long day

  9. I'm sure it's possible. You would have to condition you and your horse for it. For endurance championships people ride 100 miles in a day with winning times around 10hrs. My best guess for finding a route is to get in contact with an endurance organization. They might be able to help you find smaller roads and horse friendly parks to stop at. You need a good road crew to meet you every day for supplies. Good luck!!

  10. i would say its possible, but it would take a lot of research.  not only maps of the roads  but if any construction going on.  enough green space to stay away from traffic.  place to stay.  food, water.  vet help if needed.  how much can you horse travel in a day?

      these are just the first questions that came to my mind.

  11. It is possible but have you thought about where you would get the forage.  You are not allowed to graze your horse on public land in the US.  That said you are allowed to ride down the right of way in almost every state off the edge of the road right of way.  There are also a LOT of gravel roads and back trails on Gov't land that you can take to cover many miles.  In one case I was hiking on one end of a trail that I later found out eventually wound up coming out on a four wheel drive mountain trail that wound up in the four corners region of Colorado.  But it was a three day hike to the four wheel drive track and a long drive from there.

  12. Man, that has to be a TIRED horse after. Make sure it gets alot of rest!

    nick from

  13. They are is called the Pacific Crest Trail. People would take through my hometown (Agua Dulce, CA). There are places that provide shelter for hikers and such for this. My town would set up an RV for people traveling it to take showers and such if they wanted.

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