
Anybody know of any books?

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0 LIKES UnLike here is my story...I recently met this wonderful guy, and we just started dating for a week now. Well, when we first started talking he was honest and told me how he was HIV+...Well, I am HIV- but am not afraid to love somebody that is positive. Well, I was wondering if anybody was in a similar situation as I am. I was also wondering if there were any good books to read about partners where one is negative and other is positive and how to deal with emotional situations and deal with things and work together...




  1. I have a book called My Pet Virus. It's about a young man who gets HIV from a blood transfusion. He learns how to live a full life being HIV+ and he even marries a HIV- woman that he meets. This is a memoir also.

  2. There is a book called First Comes Love by Marion Winik that discusses her wild ride of a romance, including bisexuality, drug addiction, marriage and children, and the eventual death of her husband. It's well worth a read, but is in no way a traditional self-help/relationship type book.

    I'm sure there are many more, but I am not personally familiar with them. Perhaps this link will help you find more of what you're looking for:

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