
Anybody know of updates on baby Kaleb Schwade and family? Was there ever a trial? I'm just curious.?

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Anybody know of updates on baby Kaleb Schwade and family? Was there ever a trial? I'm just curious.?





    Update page

    Aug 2008

    Kaleb is doing awesome! He had his eye appt this past month and that went well. He retinas no longer have blood in them from the shaking. Last year in october he retinas still had a substantial amount of blood in them and they were unsure if it would ever go away so this is great news. This makes his eyes fully functionable. The only problem is the part of the brain that interperets the message is very damaged. At this last appointment the doctor dialated Kaleb's eyes and did a whole bunch of tests. I was amazed because Kaleb was actually pushing her hands away from his face and fighting her! I was laughing because I have never seen him do something like that and it was great to see him react so strongly against something. The doctor said that she has no doubt that Kaleb sees light, dark, and shadows (outlines) but is still considered to be blind. What he has is called Cortical Blindness which is caused by trauma to the brain.

    Kaleb will be starting Vital Stem soon. This is electric therapy to the muscles in his throat to help his swallow. He has been doing really well with eating baby food. His favorite so far has been Pear Pineapple. I figured out that his neck is now strong enough so that he can sit in a Space Saver High Chair. Praise God! He has come such a long way in the last year! His head and neck have become so strong that he can hold his head up for a good 10 minutes. He knows what he is doing because he gets really excited and talks in Kaleb's language really loud as if he is saying "Look at me mom!!!". He makes Josh and me so happy! He has the cutest personality!

    He is getting huge though! Right now he weighs 30lbs. It is getting so difficult for me to do anything being this pregnant and uncomfortable. Not only does he weigh 30lbs but his wheelchair weighs 36 lbs! That is a total of 66 lbs that I have to lift at times. I have been reduced to tears because all the lifting has become so difficult. The doctors always said that Kaleb would be a big boy!

    I have been asked by many about a PO BOX address for Kaleb. We did close the first PO BOX due to some mean spirited people. After a lot of requests from people and thought we have decided to open a new one in Kaleb's name. We don't have an address yet but will be posting one soon. This one will remain open.

    My pregnancy.... Well 3 weeks ago the doctors said that Kaeson was about 7lbs! So needless to say I am very uncomfortable and everytime he moves it is a little painful. I don't think it is possible for my stomach to get any bigger! I have gone into false labor 3 times now. Last monday, tuesday and saturday night. My contractions get to the point that they are 2-3 min. apart but my cervix won't dialate to more than 2cms. I have tried every old wives tale so at this point I am just sitting back and relaxing. He will come when the time is right. Josh, Kaleb and I still walk everynight after dinner which is some nice family time together. Kaleb loves all the noises! I go to the doctor tomorrow where we will talk about induction for the following week due to all that I have to do. Taking care of Kaleb is very physically demanding. So I am crossing my fingers for with next wed. or fri if I don't go into labor natrually.  I cannot wait for Kaleb to meet his baby brother! He really responds to babies and I am so excited. I just cannot believe that in less than 2 weeks we will be a family of 4!

    Thank everyone for your continued prayers and support. Prayer is the greatest gift that you can give our family. God has been so good to us and we are very thankful for all of you wonderful friends that continue to keep Kaleb and our family in your prayers. Kaleb surely wouldn't be doing as well if it weren't for all of your prayers and praises! God Bless!

    I will be posting a few photos. I do not have a lot because we have been having some camera difficulties. But there will be more soon!

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