
Anybody know what's the matter with this horse?

by  |  earlier

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we have a horse in our barn who has hard bumps around her pasterns on all four legs they're about the size of a gulf bulb. We had a vet come and she took and ultrasound to it and said that it is for sure a soft tissue problem but other then that can't determine what it is and its not coming out clear on the ultrasound so the owner will be taking her to a more advanced ultrasound in some animal hospital, but I just found it so weird and wanted to know if any of you guys have seen anything around you that can relate




  1. Has the horse been wormed lately? It could be bot fly larvae. If that's not the case. Honestly go to the tack store and buy a bottle of penicillin and give it to the horse. Be sure to follow the proper dosing instructions, and give the entire bottle. I know it sound extreme but if it is an infection you want to get rid of it completely. And a whole bottle of penicillin over 5 days(that would be about the correct dosing for a horse), will not hurt the horse, but if it is infected it will cure it. From there I would get a second opinion from a different large animal vet.

    Remember vets are just like all of us, sometimes they miss things. Not saying your vet is bad, but maybe another vet will catch something else, a fresh pair of eyes theory. Luck.

    Ps. Without a pic its hard to tell you what they might be, this is my best guess. Again luck

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