
Anybody know what to do with a 5 yr old child who goes out of his way to be bad?

by  |  earlier

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I just started a job at a daycare and everybodys friendly and somewhat listens to directions and gets alone except this one 5 yr old boy who steps on little kid's lego houses, eats theyre food and even tried to get me in trouble by comming over, on my first day, and was crying and screaming saying i hurt him..when i didnt even touch him. Since them everyone looks at me a little differently, I'm so sick of this kid and was to send him to the corner or something but since this is my first week I can't boss him around.

Is there anything I can do when hes about to step on the kids toys and stuff? I tell him "Thats not nice" and stuff but I'm desperate to know what i can do, PLEASE HELP




  1. I have to say that nine out of ten times, this is just a child in need of one-on-one attention.  Have talked to other care givers in the center about the situation? If they have not noticed this behavior, you may just be special and he wants your attention.  Psychologically speaking, this is not out of line with development at 5....Good luck

  2. Books that helped us:  How to Talk so your child will listen, Parenting with Love & Logic, and 1-2-3 magic.

    I can't say any one book was the complete answer, but they all helped a little.  This kids' parents need to get involved with helping you and become better educated themselves.

    You also need to cover your butt so you don't get falsely accused.  Tell your boss you are well read on child care and classroom management, but do not feel this child is a good match for your room

  3. Attention from negative behavior is better than no attention at all, and, if you feed into something he needs then he will be back on your little door step pronto, that is why the others have told you to ignore him because they have already been there and done that with him and have found out what works best.

  4. If he's going out of his way to be bad, then he's doing it fr a reason. He wn't attention, and if he's not getting it from his family, you should give it to him. Give him some one-on-one attention. Not something huge, just maybe read a book with him or do a puzzle. And start reinforcing all the pisitive behavior he exhibits by praising him whenever he does something nice. Just something as simple as "Wow, Georgie, that was so nice of you to share that toy with Rosilyn!". Now, you can not tolerate the bad behavior. Put him in time-out just like you would with any other kid and if his parents get upset, just say "Georgie was acting up a little bit while playing with some of the other kids and I'm sure he's just getting used to the new environment, but I had to let him know that these are the rules here, and I'm sure he'll remember to follow them in the future.

  5. Sounds like this little boy has Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Usually the child outgrows it, but it's usually caused (according to statistics) by some sort of trauma or severe disruption in the child's life (i.e. a move, a death in the family, abuse, neglect, etc.). Just pull him aside and play a game with him, or draw pictures together. Draw pictures about your personal life, and allow him to draw pictures of his. You may be surprised at what you discover. Good luck and please be patient with this little guy.  

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