
Anybody know whats wrong wit me? or have an idea?

by  |  earlier

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the past 2 weeks ive been getting severe headaches everyday..along with fever and nausea bad. yesterday i was standing in a line n totally blacked out n got really dizzy!! idk whats wrong..i took a pregnancy test it said negative, so idk wat else it could be? nebody know?




  1. go to the doctor. u got the flu

  2. Maybe its migranes. I know they cause pain and nausea. Go talk to your docter.

  3. i would really recommend you seeing a doctor.

    It could also be some kind of heat stroke, i went out in the middle of summer and got heatstroke. One minute i was fine, the next i got very hot, then i couldn't see. I couldn't walk then and had to sit down, i was helped to the house and had a bottle of cold water and was fine a few minutes later.

    hope this helps, but i would strongly recommend seeing a doctor very quickly, as this could cause you some future problems, especially if it happens in an awkward place e.g. whilst driving.

  4. Please be checked by a doctor.It could be anything with those symptoms, and you want to find out why this is happening to you!

    Good luck to you.

  5. hi  may   be  you    need get your iron level checked out hun     gl  keep me posted ty

  6. Any time that you black out is a sign to see your doctor immediately.  Your body only blacks out when it's ready to shut down.  Not having it  looked into could lead into you completely passing out on the floor and hurting yourself seriously.  There are so many reasons you could be having these symptoms.  Please see a doctor as soon as possible.

  7. You're dehydrated. Get some fluids in you. You'll feel a lot better. But i had the same symptoms and was told i was dehydrated and hooked up to an IV to replace the fluids. Go to a doc if you are still concerned.

  8. Eat more...?

  9. There are several things that could be causing this.

    If your blood sugar is low.

    If the iron in your blood is low.

    If you are not getting enough water/fluids in your diet.

    Thyroid issues.

    I have never heard of 'fever' being a symptom of pregnancy. You may want to start taking a multi-vitamin daily, as well as upping your fluid intake while you are waiting to get in to see your doctor. Most importantly though, make an appointment to see your doctor, it could be something serious.

  10. dehydration, bad teeth, a virus, could be anything, you need to see a Dr.

  11. Whatever it is it is time to see your doctor. The fever would be an indication of an infection.  

  12. unless you drink a whooooooole lotta booze, i'm not sure.  you sound dehydrated.

  13. I think you have either the flu or a virus. The fact you have a fever would indicate this is nothing to do about eating or drinking. Fever means your body is fighting some type of infection and it usually is either from the flu or a virus. I would check with my doctor.

  14. you sound severly dehydrated.

    you need electrolytes and water try drinking a ton of smart water or vitamin water. gatorade might actually be ok for you because you might need sugar. Another thing could be hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is low blood sugar. It occurs when the level of sugar, or glucose, in the blood drops too low to give the body energy

    Mild hypoglycemia can cause nausea, a jittery or nervous feeling, cold and clammy skin, sweating, hunger, and a rapid heartbeat.

    Moderate hypoglycemia often makes you feel irritable, anxious, or confused. You may have blurred vision, feel unsteady, and have difficulty walking.

    Severe hypoglycemia can lead to loss of consciousness, seizures, and coma-and it may be fatal.

    you need to ultimately go see your physician. this is not normal and can be very dangerous.

    you are running a fever which is your body telling you there is something there that is hurting it. You need to keep your body temperature down. use cold compresses and don't bundle up. Go see a doctor IMMEDIATELY. this can be extremely serious and you may wind up in the hospital.  

  15. TSS?

  16. are you drinking enough water?

  17. well, headaches can be a sign for something serios. so you should probably go to the dotor and rull out possibilities like brian tumers, because a normal headache doesn't last 2 weeks. i wish you the best of luck  

  18. You could be having migraines. Is it usually just one side of your head?That can be a sign of typical migraines. You can get dizzy and black out with them too as well as the nausea and vomiting, even fever I think. If you are not drinking enough water that will definitely effect you--with or without migraines. It can make your vision spotty or take away your peripheal vision (vision on the sides).  Try increasing your water intake and make sure you get rest and see what happens. It's cheap--and if it's migraines the water will help.

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