
Anybody know where i can trade WIC Stamps for cash?In Oakland?

by  |  earlier

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  1. OH h**l NO, tax payers should not pay for your Raider tickets! I want to go to the game too and can't! Michelle Obama would dissaprove!

  2. That is illegal.  Besides, WIC has a very important purpose.

    If you are seriously considering doing something illegal to get the money, don't do something that will take food out of your kids' mouths.  Why don't you actually *earn* it.  Turn tricks or something instead.  The sense of accomplishment may even  make you more proud of yourself.

  3. You local police department will be able to help you with that. Just go into the front office and ask the desk clerk.

    You know that you are SEEN here?

  4. HAHA, you are what's wrong with America..... just so you know.  

  5. Troll

  6. Wowww !!!!!

  7. This is why I go to work everyday and bust my butt for low life scum bags like you!!!!

  8. The same place where you can take your 12-year-old attituide. Get off the computer and go back to class instead of making stuff up.

  9. OMG..................That is so funny!!

    You Raiders fans are all class.

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