
Anybody know why they changed the date that when the Twilight movie comes out in the U.S.?

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I just recently found out that the new TWILIGHT movie, (based on the novels by stephanie meyer) comes out THREE weeks earlier then planned...does anyone know why?? Plus...i cant wait till it comes out!!




  1. Because they pushed HP back to July 2009.

  2. The studio moved it up to November 21 after Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince moved to July 17, 2009.

    Generally the first couple weeks of December are rather weak movie going weeks as people are caught up in doing their Christmas shopping and what not. However, the Friday before Thanksgiving is one of the best possible release dates - assuming you have a good movie. It give the movie a chance to open and get people talking ahead of the big Thanksgiving weekend.

    By moving the movie forward to November 21, the studio is basically saying they think they have a winner and they want to give it the best possible chance to succeed. The December 12 release date would have virtually ensured Twilight was out of many theatres by Christmas to make way for everything that opens around Christmas.

  3. The sixth Harry Potter film had its release date put back to next summer. To fill the gap in the market for this autumn, the Twilight film's release date was put forward.

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