
Anybody know why this old dog is so important in Mice and men?

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I have no idea why this dog is so important please tell me why!




  1. Candy and his dogs relationship parallels the relationship between George and Lennie.

    The dog also represents the migrant farm workers he gets old and useless and is simply disposed of  

  2. the puppy lenny had or the old smelly one? i read this book a while ago...

  3. Do your own homework young lady.  

  4. *Contains Spoilers*

    The dog is a metaphor for Lenny.  Candy's old dog is described as being useless and slow, and eventually Candy is forced to kill him.  At the end of the novel, George is forced to kill Lenny, because he, too, is useless and slow.  Also, Candy mentions that he should have been the one to get rid of his dog.  George recognizes this in killing Lenny, since he does not want the others to punish Lenny more than necessary.

    Hope this helps!

  5. The dog is  a parrallel to Candy, old and mostly useless. When the dog is shot Candy starts thinking about what will happen to him when he gets older and smellier. Seeing how noone  will have the courtesy of shooting him when he can no longer provide or be provided for.

  6. Unconsciously Candy links the dog's life to his own. He wants to be useful to someone, to be loved, but all the pair have are each other. When they are parted, as Lennie and George soon will be, there is not any reason to live.

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