
Anybody knows the significant of this dream?

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well i am daddy's little girl, so if my dad were to die i think i would kill myself...

well in my dream i was at my dad's funeral and i just remember crying a lot, when the funeral was ending i killed myself, and immediatelly i saw him because i was alredy dead, ilookde very scary and pale but i woke up crying and ever since this year started, i have a gut feeling my dad is gonna die, i call him every day i wake up hoping he is still alive which he is but i dont know what i would do with out him, i just dont know if these dreams have a meaning... oh yea.. he is also Diabetic and my grandpa died from diabetes 2 years ago, it runs in the family..




  1. Dreams have no connection with our life.d same thing happend with me.I had so many dreams like this.Its just u love and care for ur father very much.U better say everything 2 ur mom or anybody else.dnt stuff it in ur mind

  2. Death is part of life that we have to go through.  The conception of loved ones leaving us is there, and it lurks into everyone's mind based on fact, actual event and media effect.  It is just that we subconsciously do not want to bring it up.  Especially in your case, your dad is diabetic, that is added to the effect of anxiety.

    In your subconscious mind, because you are feeling insecure, you therefore projected your dad to die sooner.  The projection about you would kill yourself symbolize low confidence, giving up.  In other words, you are feeling worried in some aspects of your life.   You are feeling insecure because you feel nothing is coming smoothly in your life especially in your situation.   That is why you have this kind of dream.

    Basically, this dream reflects your anxiety and insecurity.

  3. Hello hun

    First of all i know dreams about a parent's death can be frightning or upsetting but know that VERY rarely does dreaming about someone's death actually mean they are going to die.

    I've been interpeting dreams for sometime now so I hope I can help you.

    First you dream abotu your dad

    To see your father in your dream, symbolizes authority and protection. It suggests that you need to be more self-reliant. Consider also your waking relationship with your father.

    To dream that your father is dead, forewarns that you need to proceed with caution in conducting your business. Now business can mean  a few different things, this could mean coupled with the fact that it's your dad that you may need to separate yourself from your parents when dealing with certian issues.

    commiting suicide in a dream can mean one of two things; To dream that you commit suicide, denotes that conditions in your life is so frustrating that you are no longer willing to cope with a situation or relationship in the same way as you did in the past. Alternatively, you may be unable to overcome feelings of guilt and thus turning the aggression on yourself.  On a more positive note, it may suggest that you are saying good-bye to one aspect of yourself or character that your have been carrying around.

    So in light of your dream it could mean that you are dreaming about your dad which means that you need to be more self-reliant, considering your relationship iwth your dad is very close this could mean that perhaps you need to step out a little more on your own and not rely on your father or parents as much as you do (again not sure how old you are)

    with the funeral and the suicide I think it reinforces what I was saying above, you have come to rely on your parents or maybe more your father to much and now are beginning to get subconciously frusterated wtih it and dreaming that your dad is dead is that you need to separate a little of your life from dad, and dreaming of your commiting suicid could either be that you are still to reliant nad need to break free a bit or that you will and the suicide is just you sheding your co-dependance on your dad.

    Now if this is right then great but PLEASE do rememeber that it's very hard for someone to interpret a dream just based on a written submission. For me I usuauly have a nice chat with the person before I even ask about the dream to get to know them a little better.

    If you have further questions please email me.

  4. i dont think it means that hes going to die, it just means that since u are aware of him being diabetic that u are afraid that he might die - soon. u associated death with diabetes (bcos of r grandfather dieing from it), and now that ur father has it u think that hes going to die (soon). u then dreamed about it becos subconsciously u are worried that he will die. did u knw that most of our dreams are our inner most thoughts (mine are usually wat i did during the course of the day, or of someone that i think of alot).

    therefore there's no need really for u to worry about ur dream. BUT if ur psychic / a fortune teller (and in the past ur predictions have come true) then u should feel slightly worried.

    i mean big predictions not like "oh, its going to rain today. they can do that on tv, that doesnt count."

    hope this helps..

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