
Anybody like to chat about or play foosball?

by  |  earlier

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Anybody like to chat about or play foosball?




  1. no

  2. by the way wats foosball? i have heard of football.if thatz the one then ye i am on

  3. love it!!!!!!

  4. play yes chat no

  5. nope sorry i hate sports

  6. Yea dude!

  7. Foosball

    Foosball is from the devil

    Have you seen Waterboy

  8. Fooseball is awesome!!!

  9. Foosball rules!  I used to have a table and play all the time.  Unfortunately it was in an outside patio area and got wet when I was out of town and got all warped out of shape.  

    So now the real question...  do you allow your opponent to spin or not?  We never spin, but do allow girls or beginners if they so choose.  How about the goalie shot?  When I play it is an unspoken rule that if your goalie scores and the ball is an undeflected strait shot then it counts as two points.


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