
Anybody needs a Baker (dough maker) in Australia?

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I am a fully experience Baker (7 years) & currently working in Canada as a foreign worker. I've been working here for 1,5 years ( i am an indonesian citizen). And now i want to move to Australia so badly..can anybody help me?




  1. Baker is on Australia's Migrant Occupations in Demand List (MODL)and with your experience, you should be able obtain an independent (non sponsored), skilled migration visa. The fact that the occupation is on the MODL is a good indication that there is plenty of work available.

    In addition to having an occupation in demand, you also need to pass a points test and meet English language, health and character requirements. You must also have your skills recognised by the appropriate assessment authority.

    Why not set the visa wheels in motion; register on the Skills Matching Database to make known your availability to employers; have your skills recognised and look for work online while your application is being processed. Once you have your visa, you'll find it a lot easier to find work.

    Here are the links you will need: (the main immigration website)

    and the following specific pages: (occupations most in demand) (skills recognition) (the points test and English language requirements)

    Australia's main job search sites are:

    And make sure you register on the Skill Matching Database:

    Following are the websites of two of Australia's largest bakery chains:


    I've just seen your additional information. It's great that you've already been offered a job. Check out the links I've given you, particularly the skills recognition one. If you can get over that hurdle, you shouldn't have any other problems. MODL jobs score very highly on the points test.

    Good luck!


    Stay out of the clutches of expensive immigrant agents or consultants who will charge you for advice and for all sorts of other services. You will be able to get your visa without using such people. Save your money.

  2. you need to be qualified

  3. You are lucky. Bakers are in demand here. See it on this list

    You will need to apply for a working permit though. Contact the workingin website to see if you qualify.

  4. There are always add in the paper for bakers.

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