
Anybody on here gone camping and trail riding near the Current River in Missouri?

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Just wondering. We sent last weekend and rode twice a day Thursday and friday. Once Wednes and once Sat.




  1. Good camping grounnds and good river to canoe on..get as close to the Current as you can....enjoy!!

  2. A few years ago I traveled to Missouri and met up with some riders. We rode out from Brushy Creek and spent a few days exploring Mark Twain Forest  - we had great rides and were thankful we took our GPS as we did get off the beaten track a few times. Then moved on to Bell Mountain and I believe also the Mudslick Trail. I think that's what it was called anyway. Missouri has gorgeous riding. One of the trails near Bell Mountain was one of the most beautiful I've ever ridden. Maybe you'll recognize it - the trail looped upward at one part through forest, where the inside sloped steeply downhill and the outside was rock. You felt like you were riding on a spiral to heaven. Awesome. The actual journey up Bell Mountain got pretty rocky and was narrow and steep, plus it had rained so it was slippery. It was actually just a great time all around.

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